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CHAPTER 29: The Summit Meeting

Johan's POV:

"Good morning mom", Johan greeted his mom and pecked on her cheeks.

"Good morning too, son. Your breakfast is on the table."

"Thanks mom!"

Johan sat at the table and began to eat. His mother looked at him while smiling.

"You still haven't changed. You still eat lively just like when you were younger."

"It's because your food is delicious mom"

Johan's mom chuckled and she paused when she remembered something.

"Ah right! A quick post came for you earlier, son"

"A quick post?"

"Yes. You were sleeping soundly earlier and I don't want to wake you up so I accepted it for you. Why won't you check it out? It seems important.", Johan's mother then handed him the red card.

Johan was confused for a moment then he opened and started reading it. His appetite suddenly disappeared after he read the contents of the card.

'Everyone in the crew is invited.
-from olly wang-'

His mother noticed the change of his mood.

"What's wrong son?"

"I-it's nothing mom. It's just an invitation.", Johan said and ate his food again.

"I see."

Even though his mom was curious on why Johan's mood suddenly changed after reading the card, she didn't bother asking him. While Johan is finishing his food, he was contemplating on whether he'll go or not.

'My life is fine right now. I successfully treated my mother's eyes and mine too. It's all thanks to Jona. Our finances improved too because of the moneys I earned back when I was a crew and for stealing shoes. But.... This invitation still bothers me. For sure this letter is a lie. Olly Wang is already dead.'

'However... I still have a question. And it's regarding of pungsan. In that gathering, the chairman of the workers might also be there...'

Johan stopped eating and raised up from his seat.

"Are you done, son?"

"Yes mom. I'll be out for a bit. Take care while I'm gone, okay?", Johan hugged his mom.

"Alright! You too.", His mom smiled and hugged him back.

Hours later, Johan arrived at the place that was written in the invitation which was the old building of hostel.

Instead of entering at the front door, Johan entered the other way which led him to a staircase with a red carpet. He slowly went down and sat on it while giving off an intimidating vibes to each one of the crews.

Jake and Samuel were having a conversation for a while. Johan silently listened to them.

"then was the chairman of the workers the one who sent out the invitations?", Jake asked.

"I can already tell.. He'll probably hide behind his phone again so that we won't find out who he is-", Jake didn't get to finish his sentence when someone cut him off.


Everyone looked at the person who was wearing glasses and uniform, slowly going down at the other stairs.

"I'm a bit shy. This is my first time showing my face to everyone. I don't usually let people see me but I guess I have to today. I'm sorry for using olly's name. I didn't think you'd show up if I simply asked you to come. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm the one who sent out the invitations and invited you here. I'm also the chairman of workers which some of you probably won't like. My name is Eugene. Nice to meet you."

Eugene smiled innocently to them which made everyone flabbergast.

'That's- him? He appears to be innocent and studious than I thought... like Jona. Oh well, this is why we shouldn't judge a book by its cover.', Johan thought while staring at Eugene.

Eugene told them the reason why he united all of them; on how Charles Choi can kill them for the sake of money and on how workers can protect them because they know his weakness. He wanted to work with them all to bring down Charles Choi in exchange of one billion for each crew.

The big deal accepted the worker's deal while the hostel declined. Eugene then looked at Johan and approached him.

"You're from the white tiger job center. Are you here representing God dog today? What do you say, God dog? Will you join us?"

"Before I answer... let me ask you something. Did you know about the drugs that the third affiliate supplied to pungsan?"

"Since you're going to look into it anyway... I might as well just answer you right now. Vivi and I ran the drug business together."

"then we're done talking."

Johan then moved forward to throw an uppercut to Eugene but then he paused and said.

"Listen carefully. The reason I came here isn't to talk to you. You think you can recruit me? I'm sick of this crew bullshit. Gangnam workers, Gangseo Big deal, Gangdong Hostel. The only reason I came here is because I wanted to beat you to death in front of everyone."

"I see.. When I was looking into the white tiger job center, I heard something about you from someone who works there. They said your mother has bad eyesight and it's a hereditary condition. looks like you're healed now, Johan."

Eugene smiled mischievously while Johan clenched his fists and teeth harder.

"It's okay if you choose not to cooperate. Because any crews that refuse to cooperate... are going to be eliminated today."

All of a sudden, someone smacked Johan on his head so hard that it made him fell to the floor. When Johan raised his head to look at the person who punched him, he saw a tanned guy with a thick hair and strong built body looking at him.

"The reason why I don't feel threatened by any of you is because of my friends here.", Eugene continued.

After that, each one of the crews began to fight. The hostel were fighting with big deal but Samuel interfered so Eli and Samuel ended up fighting each other while Johan is dealing with Mandeok.

Mandeok choked Johan which made Johan almost lost his consciousness.

'I-I can't b-breathe.'

All of a sudden, someone threw an invitation card in front of him and punched Mandeok hard. Johan coughed when he fell to the floor.

"Johan. I came to save you"

"Zack? Is that you?"

When Johan opened his eyes, he saw Zack's back standing in front of him. His blood started to boil knowing that Zack put himself in danger just to save him.

"You're going to save me, huh?! You think you're strong enough to save me!? Who could you possibly beat? Don't be stupid!", Johan yelled then he slowly coughed while holding his neck.

"Johan. I know. I'm weak.", Zack said and looked at him.

Vasco also came and ran to kick Jake. Jake got crashed at the wall while blocking Vasco's attack. He looked so surprised on how strong vasco's attack is. After a minute, the bell chimes which signals that someone opened the door. Everyone then stopped fighting and was flabbergasted to see Daniel Park entering.


Johan then remembered the last time Daniel and him fought at Vivi's hotel. Fear and chills started to climb over his body as he looked at him slowly approaching them. The same goes for Samuel, Jerry and Jake as they stared at Daniel Park.

Meanwhile, Daniel is wondering why they all stared at him. He was thinking they stared at him that way because he came in so casually. He felt a bit pressure because Zack and Vasco made an epic entrance compared to him.

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