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CHAPTER 27: Save us

Jona ran towards the elevator. She quickly pressed the 9th floor and scanned the badge.

I hope Johan’s fine.

When she arrived at the 9th floor, she heard a loud sound on the right side. She quickly went to that direction until she saw Johan.


Jona was flabbergasted when she saw how strong Johan is but what’s more even shocking to her is that Daniel is way stronger than him. They even cracked the walls and the floor when they fight. When she looked at their faces, she eventually knows that they’re not in the right state of mind.

“s-stop”, Jona murmured.

“STOP IT JOHAN, DANIEL!!”, Jona shouted for them to hear but they still continued fighting.

“Don’t interfere, miss. It would be safe for you to stay beside us and watch them.”, Jake said.

“By the way, my name is Jake and beside me is Samuel. What’s your name?”


“I see. Why are you here? From what I can see, you’re not only here to go clubbing or save your friend from fighting.”

Jona couldn’t speak. She just diverted her eyes and sat beside Jake. She can hear Samuel snorted.

“Wow! A lot of kids are after vivi. I should've bought a popcorn before I came here.”, Samuel said.

“Don’t call them kids. We’re just a year older than them Sammy.”, Jake said.

“They’re still younger than us.”, Samuel replied.

"And yes, you should've bought a popcorn before you came here. I got hungry because of fighting.", Jake continued.


When Jona saw Johan got knocked out, she quickly stood up.

“JOHAANN”, Jona ran towards him.

Daniel was about to stomp Johan’s head but then, a blonde-haired guy with glasses appeared. The blonde-haired guy said something but Jona didn’t listen because she was focused on Johan who went unconscious.

Minutes later, Daniel began to fight the blonde haired guy with glasses. Jona moved Johan to a safer spot and laid his head on her lap.


Jona looked at him sadly. She then caressed his hair while waiting for him to wake up.

Johan’s POV:

Johan felt a hand caressing his hair. The way the person's hand caressed his hair reminds him of his mom so much that he felt like tearing up.


Johan slowly opened his eyes. His vision became blur for a moment and when his vision became clear, he saw Jona smiling at him.

“J-Jona?”, Johan can feel his heart beating faster.

“How are you feeling Johan?”

Johan didn’t get to answer Jona’s question because he stared at her face. She looks a bit different because of her hair color but he could still recognize her.

“So I was right earlier? It was you?”

“Ah hehehe”, Jona scratched the back of her head and laughed awkwardly. “Sorry about earlier.”

“Tsh”, Johan slowly sat down while Jona supported him.

“Are you feeling better now, Johan?”

“Yea. I guess.”

“Both you and Daniel are out of your minds earlier. I even shouted while calling you two but you didn’t even listen to me.”

“Daniel? Ah- right”

I fought him earlier. How could he be that strong? It feels as if I was fighting a monster. Other than gun and goo, no one had ever knocked me out that strong.

Jona sighed and held Johan’s hand. Johan looked at her and waited for her to talk but Jona didn’t say anything.

She’s going to convince me to go home again. Like what Zack did.’

Johan got a feeling of what she’s going to say so he removed her hand from his and stood up.

“Go home, Jona”


“Stop being stubborn, Jona”

“You’re the one who should stop being stubborn Johan! Just how long do you have to put yourself into danger! You’re only making yourself suffer more!!”

Johan gritted his teeth and lost his patience.

“Then what!? What do you think should I do Jona!? I’ve got tons of questions on why I have to experience these kinds of things!?”

As Johan argued to Jona, he can feel his voice cracked and tears slowly fell from his eyes. He doesn’t want to shout at her.

“I…. I don’t want this too Jona. But… but….”

Johan started sobbing again.

Everytime I talk to Jona… I feel vulnerable.

Jona hugged him and patted his back.

“Hush. I know you have your reasons Johan but… I want you to stop because I already find a way to save you and your mother.”

“Save….us?”, Johan faced Jona.

“Yes. I knew your mother’s illness because I saw her when you brought me to the hospital. I also knew about yours because I heard it when you were fighting with Zack that time.”

Jona wiped Johan’s tears and held his hands.

“So… Let’s go, Johan. We’ll get you and your mother treated.”

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