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The house was quiet as Andy arrived home from work that evening, expecting to come home to the silence. Laurie had text him a few hours before saying that she and Jacob were finally on their way, and that she'd text him once they arrived at her sisters. He'd been unable to accompany them as they'd be there until Monday morning, and he was due in court for a case at 9am sharp.

Still, it'd be nice to just relax and that was what he fully intended to do.

It had been a rough week. 

Making his upstairs, he went to connect his phone to the charger by the bed, only to find that it was gone.

"Damnit Jake..." He muttered, knowing that it was most likely Jacob borrowing it so as he could charge his iPad as well as his phone at the same time. His own charger had recently broken so Andy really shouldn't have been surprised that his was gone.

Never mind, Laurie had a spare in her drawer usually so he'd use that. Why Jake hadn't taken that instead was beyond him.

Rounding the bed, he pulled open the drawer and took the charger out, something underneath then catching his eye.

Reunion? What was this?

Andy pulled out the invitation, scanning the details. A reunion at their old college, happening this weekend. Seemed that their old friend Tom was organising.

Hope to see you all there! Be good to reminisce about the good old days!

It stated at the bottom of the card.

Would it?

Andy's eyes went to his own bedside drawer, knowing what lay in the lock box inside of there. An item that held too many painful memories alongside others that were somewhat happier.

Looking back down at the invitation again, part of him was wondering whether it was even a good idea attending.

Would she be there?

The last he'd seen of her was graduation day. He'd kept his distance, still hurt and angry by what she'd done. The last glimpse he caught was her looking at him and then walking away back in the direction of her halls of residence.

He never made any attempt to say goodbye, they were past that, and she had never tried to either.

Now he was somewhat older and wiser, Andy knew that perhaps he could have handled the situation better - but he was young himself, they both had been. The way of his thinking now was much changed compared to when he'd been a kid himself.

If she had the same idea then she probably wouldn't be there. She wouldn't want to come face to face with him again.

She had hurt him bad though and lied too. Andy had been on the verge of proposing and that had just crumbled before his very eyes.

Opening up his drawer he found the key to the lock box and took it out, unlocking it. The engagement ring meant for her stared back at him, tormenting him. He hadn't the heart to get rid of it though and instead it had been locked away with other possessions such as his mother's jewellery.

His mind was in conflict. He wanted to go, but would she be there?

Could he face her?


"Why won't you listen to me!" She had yelled desperately as he had paced his room, trying to make sense of why she had done what she did. 

"Because you're a fucking liar! How the hell could you do this to me Pip! I thought we were a team? We don't keep secrets from each other!"

"I'm not! I don't know what the hell Laurie's said but she's wrong! I didn't do it!"

He cut her off. "You did! You've done enough!" and looked hurt at her. "Just go, I don't even wanna speak to you let alone see you again." 

"Andy, Please! Just..." 

"Go!" He yelled, the look on his face a mixture of hurt and pure hatred. He had never ever once looked at her that way before. 

She looked at him, shaking, and eyes spilling with tears. 

Then she was gone. 

Andy turned the engagement ring over and over in his hands as he thought back to that day. Even now the pain lingered. He'd always tried to push Pippa Everett to the back of his mind and yet there were days when he still thought about her. Wondering where she was, what she'd done after college. She'd been studying to be a legal assistant, and was pretty clever. If he remembered rightly, she'd been privately educated, her parents having their own company and so money wasn't an object. Pippa wasn't snooty though, in fact she'd been quite the opposite.

They'd bonded from the moment they'd met. He'd seen her reading a law book on the steps of the campus library, brow furrowed in concentration, and he had broken the ice with some stupid chat up line that was law related. 

"Smooth...you say that to all the girls on campus?" She had looked up at him.

He'd been astonished by how pretty she was up close and for a moment forgot to speak, "Only the ones studying law - which I'm guessing you are?"

"The book's a dead giveaway isn't it?" She smirked. "I'm Pippa..." 


He now shoved the ring back into the box and locked it. He couldn't look at it anymore. Andy knew that if he didn't go to this reunion, then he would probably regret it. Plus, Tom had been a good friend and still kept in contact sometimes. It'd be nice to catch up with everyone properly.

Really though? He wanted to see whether Pippa would be there. 

Googling the closest hotel, he booked a room for the forthcoming evening and sent a message to let Tom know that he'd be attending. 

Awesome! Shame to hear Laurie can't make it but it will be good to see you again Barber. 

Whether Pippa would show or not was something that he couldn't determine, but at least he could still go and enjoy himself, plus he'd be back by Sunday late afternoon so there would be no fear of missing the court case on Monday. 

Packing some things into his weekend bag, he readied himself for the journey in the morning and decided to just get an early night. 

Made it here ok, hope you're having a good evening without us ;) Laurie's message popped up as he made himself some dinner. 

All good here, have a good time - Tell everyone I said hi x

I will - see you when we get home x 

Andy shoved his phone into his pocket and wrapped up the rest of his evening. Unfortunately now Pippa Everett was back in his head, chances are she wouldn't leave until he had confirmation of whether she was at the reunion or not. 

Daddy Issues (Andy Barber x OC)Where stories live. Discover now