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"Dad...hey dad, wake up." Andy felt Jacob shaking him and blearily opened his eyes.

"Hmm? What time is it bud?" He yawned and looked at Jacob. He was still on the couch and must have fallen asleep soon after he'd got off the phone to Pippa.

Jacob checked his watch. "Seven thirty, did you sleep down here?" He frowned.

Andy stretched out and groaned as the ache hit his back. "Yep...must've done - sorry bud I said I was gonna have that talk with you."

"It's cool. We can after school."

Getting up, Andy made for the stairs. "You want a ride to school or you gonna walk today?"

"I can walk. You want a bagel?" Jacob asked

"Sure thing, I'll be down soon." He said and looked at his son. "Hey, it's gonna be ok. I'll tell you everything later."

Jacob nodded.  "But are you ok?"

"I will be."

Andy was met by Lynn on walking into the office later that morning. "Ah, there you are - everything all ok?" She asked, ushering him into her office and closing the door.

"Not really but I'll live." He said and then saw her face. "It's a long story."

"Sit." Lynn ordered and pointed to one of the two chairs in front of her desk, setting herself down into hers across from him. "You look like shit."

"Thank you." He replied sarcastically. 

Lynn shook her head gently. "You wanna tell me what's happened? Do you need another day or two..."

He stopped her with a firm "no", and then looked at into his lap. "Some revelations came to light this weekend...and as a result? I've served Laurie with divorce papers."

Lynn blinked. "Oh my goodness, Andy I'm so sorry."

"I'm not." He said without any empathy to his voice. "She's not who I thought she was - but anyway, she's putting up a fight as expected. It won't affect my work, I can assure you that now."

"May I ask what happened? You both seemed so content when I last saw you both together?" Even if it was a few months before, Andy and Laurie had looked the definition of happiness at the office party so Lynn had thought. 

Andy pondered. "I'll tell you in time, but it's a bit hard to discuss at the moment. I'm still trying to wrap my head around everything myself."

Lynn nodded. "Well I'm always here if you need me. Is Jacob ok though?" 

"He was fine this morning, but I need to have a talk with him later on, explain the circumstances - I don't know how he's gonna react." 

"I'm sure that if you explain it in the diplomatic way that you do then he'll understand - he's growing up." She saw the worry etched onto his face. "Andy...why don't you take another day? Clear your head? You're not in court for the next few days are you?" 

He shook his head, "No...I mean, if it's ok - I can work from home? Least there I'll have some peace from Neal without the urge to tell him to shut up." 

Lynn chuckled. "Go on, spend the next couple of days working from there then - If I need you then I'll call, but I'll see you Thursday for the de-brief of the Masters court case?" 

He got up and brushed himself off. "Sure, that'll be good - thanks Lynn, I appreciate it." 

"Just know I wouldn't do this for anyone else." She smirked and saw him out. 


Pippa's mind had been in a constant spiral since the weekend. Now everything was very much real, her daughter finally knew her father and Andy Barber was once again back in her life. Her mind was wandering again, back to the day that she'd had to break the news to her parents. Pippa hadn't seen them since and had contemplated many times getting back in contact over the years - however she never did. 

They had turned their back on her just as everyone else had. The only person who had stuck by her over the years was Ruth - the woman who ran the women's refuge and had been been the go to babysitter whenever Pippa had needed to work. They'd stayed in contact after leaving the refuge and finding an apartment. Isla loved 'Aunt Ruth', and the women at the refuge she remembered she had always dubbed as her 'aunts'. They had all doted on baby Isla as well as other children who were there too, and she had received more love than ever. 

Ruth had been more of a mother to her over the years than her own could ever be. 

"So...he's back then..." Ruth said, currently sat at Pippa's kitchen table and sipping the coffee that she had been handed minutes earlier. "Are you sure you know what you're doing?" 

"I think so...you will like him." Pippa said as she stared into her cup. 

Ruth smiled kindly. "You never fell out of love with that boy - no matter how many times I tried to tell you to shake him from your head and find someone worth the bother, you never did..." 

"I didn't want to. Andy was my first everything. He left such a mark that I just couldn't let him go." 

"Oh he left a mark all right, in the form of little miss Isla. How's she taking all of this anyway?"

Pippa smiled to herself. "Honestly I haven't heard the end of it. She was so emotional after I got home. She's been texting him but she just wants to meet him more than anything. He's probably going to call tonight to sort that out." 

"And he's left his wife you said?" Pippa nodded at this. "For you?" 

"No." She confirmed. "No, our relationship now? It's obviously different to what it once was. He left Laurie because of everything she caused. Not solely for me." 

Ruth eyed her, "Do you think anything will happen?" 

"I don't think so. He has a son, we have Isla together. I think for the sake of the kids it'll be just a friendship. He can see Isla as much as he likes - he's already wanting to make up for the time already lost. Plus he's now about to get divorced. Going back to an old girlfriend just because she's had his child? I don't think that's on his mind. It's all about Isla and that's good enough for me. I'd rather that than nothing at all." 

A small sigh escaped from Ruth's lips. "I've watched you grow up so much over the years. You came to me a scared child and now look at you. You've come a long way from that little girl you were." 

"Well you taught me everything. How to hold Isla properly, to bathe her, burp her, all the things I didn't know how to do when looking after a baby. My mom wouldn't have done that even if she had been around, so you've made me into who I am." 

The door slammed and Isla walked in from school. "Aunt Ruth!" she grinned and gave her a hug. 

"You just keep on getting taller every time I see you." Ruth grinned and let go of the girl. "Your mom and I were just talking about your dad." 

Isla looked at Pippa. "Has he called?" 

"Not yet" And saw the disappointment in her daughter's face. "He will later, he's probably still at work." 

Isla grabbed a drink. "I'm gonna go do my homework, let me know if dad calls ok?" 

Pippa nodded, "Alright baby, you want me to redo those nails of yours tonight? We can get some Thai food and watch a crappy Netflix film?" she asked, studying the chipped nail polish on her daughter's hands. 

"Oh my god yes." Isla grinned, "Did you sign the form for my school trip too?" 

"All done and paid for." 

"Cool, ok - I'm gonna do my homework then." She gave her mother a kiss and went up to her room. 

Pippa watched her go, hoping that Andy would be just as proud of their daughter as she was when they finally met. 

Daddy Issues (Andy Barber x OC)Where stories live. Discover now