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Isla stayed close to Andy as they sat next to Pippa's bed, the machines hooked to her. They'd been given a lowdown of the injuries, the most concerning being the ones to the head and internal bleeding. She'd been in surgery and now the morning after what had happened, they were back to spend another day hoping that she would come around. 

The officer leading the investigation had come to ask them a few questions, revealing that the hit and run had seemed intention according to the witness who saw what had happened. The car had seen her and sped up. 

"Do you know anyone who'd want to hurt Miss Everett?" The officer asked. 

Isla looked up, "Laurie..." and then to her dad. "I didn't want to tell you..." 

Andy frowned. "Tell me what?" 

"She turned up at the house a few days ago, you and mom were out and Jake was grabbing snacks from the store. She came and said she wanted to discuss some matters with you, but I told her I wasn't passing on that message..." 

Andy stared at her. "And you didn't think to tell me!" 

"I'm sorry!" Isla sobbed, "I just...I wanted her to leave. I said you and mom were happy and - oh god...am I the reason she tried to kill Mom? Because I told her you guys were happy and stuff?" Now she began to freak out. 

He pulled her into him and soothed her by stroking her hair as the officers now scribbled down everything. "Did the witness see the car?" Andy now asked. He wouldn't put it past Laurie to do something like this. Especially with how she'd acted - it all added up. 

"A range rover..." 

"That's her car". Andy confirmed, "It's my ex wife, or she's soon to be that - we're in the process of getting a divorce. It's been difficult to say the least". 

"Mr Barber. Has your ex wife ever threatened Miss Everett before". 

Andy sighed. "No, however with things she's done in the past? It doesn't surprise me that she'd harm her intentionally.  

The officer nodded. "Could we ask you some more questions about that? Outside?" 

"Sure". Andy got up and kissed Isla's head. "This isn't your fault sweetheart, I promise. You were just protecting Mom..." 

She wiped her eyes and took Pippa's hand again as Andy walked out to answer some questions. Jacob going with him. "Mom, please wake up..." she begged. "I'm so sorry. I just wanted her gone. She said I was an accident..." Isla knew that anyway, but to hear it from her Moms bitchy ex best friend still hurt. "All I've wanted is for you and dad to be together, all of us. I'm sorry I ruined it. I should've told you and dad about her..." 

Jacob came back in and sat next to her. "It's not your fault y'know..."

"Is he mad?" 

"Only at my Mom for what she's done...cops think it's all because of the divorce and that your Mom got dad again". 

Isla stared at her mother lying in bed, machines helping to keep her stabilised. "I'm scared Jake...I'm scared she's gonna die. She's like my best friend, I tell her everything".  She broke down into sobs again, Andy now coming back in and seeing her. "Daddy I'm sorry!" She sobbed harder and he immediately held her close to him again as he sat down

"Shhhhh, it's ok, I'm not mad - I promise". 

Jacob looked to his father. "What's gonna happen now?" 

"They're gonna keep me informed. All we can hope for is that Pip will wake up soon - she's got a good chance of recovery but it means that she's gonna have to stay in Newton. No way can you go back to Northampton - not until she's fully better". He kissed his daughter's head. "We just need to stay strong for your Mom...we'll sort something out about school, but for the time being you're staying here".

Andy could only hope that Pippa would come around soon, then he would be able to determine just what it was that he needed to do. 

Right now, he had no idea what else he could do. 

This was a living hell.  

Daddy Issues (Andy Barber x OC)Where stories live. Discover now