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"Andy I..." Laurie began, but he stopped her. It would only be more lies to try and cover up what she had done.

"You have gone all these years knowing that my daughter existed! You lied to me! TO BOTH OF US!" He flipped, his voice now raised and not caring whether the whole neighbourhood could hear him. "YOU LIED TO ME ABOUT PIPPA'S ABORTION! AND YOU LIED TO HER ABOUT ME NOT WANTING THE BABY! SHE TURNED UP ON OUR DOORSTEP AND YOU TURNED HER AWAY!"


"DON'T TALK TO ME ABOUT HAPPINESS WHEN MY DAUGHTER AND HER MOTHER HAVE SUFFERED!" He now calmed slightly. "You hid that reunion invitation knowing that if we went then the chances of seeing her again were high...but I did - I saw her again and boy did I find out just how much deceptive and manipulative you really are..."

Laurie stared at him, clearly not expecting him to have seen Pippa again, let alone have gone to the reunion. "I have done nothing but love you. I picked you up again when she..."

"Don't..." he turned around to her with fire in his eyes. "Those were all your lies that you spun to both of us, to break us apart. Why?" He asked. She didn't answer. "TELL ME WHY YOU TORE US APART LAURIE!" Andy raged.

"I did it because I loved you...I wanted you to notice me so much - do you realise how painful it was seeing you two all happy together and me being the third wheel!" Now she was angry. "She NEVER deserved you, and when she told me that she was pregnant? Well, it was the moment that I needed - and I don't regret it! I've supported you! GAVE YOU YOUR SON! THAT WAS THE ONLY WAY I COULD ENSURE YOU'D STAY!"

Andy looked at her and then half laughed, shaking his head in disbelief. "You got pregnant with Jake on purpose..." This just kept getting more fucked up the more he listened to her.

Laurie showed no signs of remorse and calmly replied. "I did what I had to."

Andy turned away from her, the anger and pain flowing through him. "You selfish bitch..." he said and then looked back at her, "My little girl has grown up thinking she had a father who didn't want her, Pippa had a fucking rough life because of you! She lost everything!"


"And you took that all away from her! And from me! All because you were jealous and wanted me for yourself!"
Without hesitation he slammed the papers down in front of her. "I've been with Joanna drawing these up - after this much shit you've put me and Pippa through? It's now you that's getting nothing!" And pushed a pen towards her. "I want full custody of Jake, and I want you out of this house within the next hour - now sign the fucking papers."

As he now looked at his 'wonderful wife' he saw a complete stranger. She was cold, calculated and clearly didn't care about just how much pain her actions had caused.

"No." She stated and pushed them back to him. "No way..."

He took the papers and stared at her. "Then I guess I'll be seeing you in court - but believe me I'm going to make you get absolutely nothing, because that's what you deserve." His look was hard. "Now pack your stuff and get out."

"So that's it? You're going to throw me out..."

"You refused to sign, so I'm taking it through court - but you're never setting foot in this house again." He spoke more slowly now, warning her. "Now go upstairs, pack your shit and leave."

Her eyes narrowed at him. "I hope to god she's still worth throwing your marriage away for Andy". And without another word, she went upstairs , Andy hearing her stomping around in the bedroom.

Jacob now came down and shuffled into the kitchen cautiously. "What's going on with you and Mom?" he asked.

"She's leaving."

"What? Why?" Jacob asked, a little shocked.

"Because she's been lying to you and me from day one. I'll sit you down to properly talk about it once she's gone but to get to the point? We're getting a divorce." He hadn't really wanted to break it to Jacob like this, but he was too riled up to do it in a calmer manner.

Jacob sat down at the table. "Dad...will I see her again?"

"It's up to you, but you can decide that once I explain more about why it's come to this - okay?"

His son nodded, still at a bit of a loss of what to say about the whole thing. He'd heard the shouting and had caught a few things, but after a short time he'd turned his music up to drown out the argument. "Okay..."

After a while Laurie came down with her case and threw it in the back of her car, throwing her house keys back at him. "I'll be back tomorrow for the rest of it."

"It'll be on the porch."  Andy bit back. Jacob loitered behind him, not quite knowing what to do. "Go back up to your room bud, I'll be up soon." Andy glanced back to him, his son now returning back upstairs to the sanctuary of his bedroom.

He watched as Laurie got into her car and slammed the door, pulling out of the driveway before driving away.

She never looked at him once. Never made any attempt to say goodbye to Jake. Andy was still filled with rage as he walked back inside and closed the door, locking up the house for the night. By the time he was done, his shoulders laxed and the tiredness swept over him.

His marriage was over, his wife finally gone (however the court battle that was yet to come would probably be a stressful one), and now he slumped down onto the couch and massaged his forehead.
Pulling out his phone, he scrolled down to Pippa's number and pressed 'call'.

"Andy?" She answered and just the sound of her voice made all of his worries and anger melt away.

"Pip...it's done - she's gone."

Pippa swallowed. "How did it go?"

"Not well, but I expected that. She wouldn't sign the papers, so it's gonna have to go through court. Thankfully I've got Joanna on my side, so she's not gonna be walking away with much by the end of it."

"And what about Jacob? Have you told him about me and Isla?"

Andy shifted, "Not yet, but he's aware of the divorce. The argument wasn't exactly a quiet one - pretty sure the neighbours heard."

She sighed. "Are you sure it's what you wa..."

"Yes." He cut her off. "Would you do the same in my shoes?"

"Yes." she confirmed. "You sound exhausted, have you even slept?"

Andy ran a hand through his hair. "Not properly for the last couple of days, but after this? I think it'll be a better night tonight."

"Go and be with Jacob, and just...try and relax, you'll have me worrying otherwise."

"Pip, I'll be alright - I promise. Look I'll give you a call tomorrow when I'm finished work, perhaps we can arrange for me to finally meet Isla."

Her voice brightened, "Honestly, she was on at me from the moment I walked through the door about it. We'll sort something, but now I want you to get an early night, try not to worry about everything ok?"

He paused, wondering whether to admit the following to her until he decided to go for it. "I wish you were here right now..." He told her softly.

Her voice was quiet and sounded a little saddened as she answered him.

"Yeah...me too..."

Daddy Issues (Andy Barber x OC)Where stories live. Discover now