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Pippa jogged the usual route that she'd come to know each morning. It cleared her mind somewhat. The surrounding neighbourhoods and just around Newton had some nice jogging routes. She stuck to her favourite one though - it wasn't too long and was scenic enough to make it enjoyable.

All her troubles seemed to melt away as she was out in the fresh air and morning sun. Lately, things had been a little on edge with the court date coming through and the impending settlement. Andy had tried to keep things as normal as possible, but she could tell whenever an email from Joanna would come through regarding it. The familiar flicker of annoyance would cross his features, before he'd read through what had been sent. 

Things between them both were good though. Better than she imagined that they'd be. One evening Andy had come home, literally thrown some notes at the kids and announced he was taking Pippa out on a date so they could get what they wanted. 
It really was like they were just carrying on from all those years ago. Nothing had really changed in terms of attraction and love for one another - and the sex? That was better than ever. 

She wondered whether it was possible to love someone even more than you already thought possible, that was how she felt every time that she looked at Andy. So much that it could hurt. 

Turning into one of the quieter neighbourhoods, she picked up the pace. 

Almost home. Then she could enjoy a shower and head to the store so as she could prepare something special for them all that evening. 

Pippa was so wrapped up in her thoughts that it was too late for her to even react as the speeding car came towards her...


Andy had only been in the office for an hour when Isla's name flashed up on his phone. He frowned, she was never awake before 9am. "Hey sweetheart, you alright?"

"Dad!" Isla sobbed frantically and immediately he was out of his chair and grabbing his coat. Something told him to get home, even more so when his daughter was now frantic on the end of the line. "Dad! It's Mom!"

He hurried out of the office and jogged down the stairs, "Isla calm down! What's happened to Mom? Where is she?"

"She...she was out jogging...she was hit. The cops are here..."

He stopped feeling the bile rise.

"I'm on my way back! I'll be with you soon sweetheart!" He began to race to his car and jumped in, speeding through the streets until finally he got to his neighbourhood. Two cop cars were parked outside of his home as he pulled up and jumped out.

"Mr Barber". One of them said, getting out of the waiting police car.

"Is she ok? What the hell is going on!" He asked

"Mr Barber please calm down - can we come inside and talk?" The officer tried to reason with him.

He was having none of it. "Is she hurt!"

The officer looked to the other who had joined him. " The extent of Miss Everett's injuries are unknown at this time. She's been taken to hospital, and we're still trying to locate the driver of the vehicle that struck her..."

Andy looked at them in disbelief. "They didn't stop?" He choked out.

The officers shook their heads. "We're treating it as a hit and run of course, however the person would've known they'd hit her - that part is obvious, we have a witness so we're just waiting on their account before we can proceed with enquiries any further".

He felt as though he was falling into a dark pit, the thunderous sound of his blood pumping now drowning out what the officer was saying to him.
The person who did this had just left her? His Pippa, to die in the road like a dog? Anger rose inside of him.

"I need to get the kids, I need to see her..." He said, now remembering that Isla and Jake were inside the house and rushed up the path, finding them both inside. Isla still crying. "C'mere'" He pulled them both into him, voice cracking as he looked at Isla. "I don't know if she's gonna be ok, but we need to get to the hospital and see her..."

Isla wiped her eyes and nodded, her and Jacob hurrying upstairs to change and then making for the car, the police officer telling them that he'd come along so as he could get an update on Pippa's condition. 

All through the drive the three of them were silent. Andy swallowing the ever present lump in his throat. He needed to be strong for all of them however inside he was screaming at himself to wake up from this nightmare. 

Daddy Issues (Andy Barber x OC)Where stories live. Discover now