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Andy had headed for a swim early the next morning, thoughts of what had happened the night before still on his mind. It had been invigorating, something that he'd not explored before and yet he was on the verge of calling her again. 
They'd fallen asleep while talking, he wasn't sure who had done so first, but he'd woken to find the call had cut, so perhaps it had been him. He'd not been joking though, when he'd said he wanted her everywhere. It seemed to be all he could think about since waking up. 

Getting out and changing, he grabbed some breakfast for Jacob and Isla and took it back home. It wasn't long before both of them rose and shuffled down to the kitchen, yawning, hair sticking up. They had scarily similar mannerisms which he could only guess was down to the inheritance of his genes. 

"Well don't you two look a pretty picture". He smirked and sipped his coffee at the island counter. 

Jacob frowned. "You're in a good mood for this time of the morning". 

"It's eight thirty? Why wouldn't I be in a good mood - besides I went for a swim before you two even woke up". 

"Geez dad, that should be illegal". Isla groaned and took the bagel he'd got her from the bag. 

Jacob poured them some juice and plonked himself on the chair across from his sister. "So, what are you two up to today? Jake was saying about you guys possibly going to meet with his friends?" Andy frowned, recalling the conversation over dinner last night. 

"Er, yeah if that's ok?" Isla asked. 

"Course it is. Did you guys still wanna get pizza tonight?" 

Isla nodded. "Er, hell yes! Jake said we're going about midday, so we could meet you at the diner at like 4pm?" 

Andy put his cup down, "Sounds good to me". 

His daughter ate her breakfast and sat back. "Wonder what mom's doing today? I can guarantee that last night she probably sat in bed and watched re-runs of 'Schitt's Creek' or something". 

Oh boy how wrong was she. Not that he was about to tell his daughter that he and her mother had engaged in phone sex while the latter was under the influence of wine. That stayed between them. Isla already knew about last weekend anyway. 

"When we were in college, it was usually 'Friends' that was the show of choice".  He told her. 

"Oh my god! The episode with Ross' leather pants is the funniest!" Isla's face lit up. 

Jacob smirked, mouth full of bagel. "She's right there". 

Andy grinned. "Okay, now I'm showing my age". Taking his coffee he made for the stairs. "I'm gonna take a shower and then I suppose I'll get on with some work if you two are ditching your old man for the day".

"We don't have to go". Jacob pointed out. 

Andy shook his head. "I'm messing with ya bud, you guys go enjoy yourselves. It's why Isla's here anyway. Give me a text when you wanna meet later on". 

They both nodded, and he left them to finish breakfast while he showered off his swim from the pool. 

Still the echoes of Pippa were in his mind, from every gasp right down to how she said his name. 


He'd always loved how she'd said his name in the heat of the moment - and in every way possible, begging, pleading, screaming...

Now he could imagine her touching herself, him telling her exactly what to do until her body shook with pleasure. Only now did he realise he was pumping away at himself as the water rained down on him, thoughts of her consuming his mind until finally he spilled out. His hand steadied himself against the tiles whilst he regained his breath. 

The droplets of water fell from his hair





This was going to be much harder than he'd anticipated. 


Pippa downed some aspirin with some water and shuffled back to bed, her head throbbing a little. She could recall everything that had happened last night and knew that it hadn't been her finest moment. 

Phone sex? 

Really? Was this what she and Andy were now going to have to do to get their kicks? 

Not that she was complaining though - it'd been amazing to say the least. 

She must have fallen back to sleep because at lunchtime her phone buzzed as a message came through. Pippa palmed the bedside table for it until feeling  and grabbing it, squinting as she saw Isla's message pop up. 

Mom, Dad's hurt his back real bad, gonna need you to come pick me up if that's ok? He literally can't move x

OMG IS HE OK?  She sat up immediately. 

He's fine, but we can't do much  and he can't really drive, so we decided we'll just carry on our plans next weekend. 

Ok, Give me an hour or so and I'll be there. Love you x 

Love you too x 

Pippa took a shower and once refreshed and awake, jumped in the car and made for Newton. The hangover now fully passed, she wondered just what the hell Andy had been doing to hurt his damn back. 

An hour later, she turned into the neighbourhood and onto the driveway of the house.

Pippa headed up to the door and knocked on it. It opened a few moments later and she blinked. "Andy?" 

"Pip? What are you doing here?" 

"You hurt your back, I came to collect Isla?" She looked at him very confused. 

He frowned, "What? I'm fine? Why the hell did you think I hurt my back?" 

The penny dropped...

"Isla..." they both sighed 

Andy shook his head. "What did she tell you?" 

"That you hurt your back, couldn't barely move and so she needed me to come and collect her". Pippa smirked as she walked in, Andy closing the door behind her. "I'm gonna kill her..." 

He chuckled. "So that's why she and Jake literally ran when they went out earlier. You do realise why she's done this right?" 

"Ooooooh yes I certainly do". Pippa nodded, "And when she comes back I'm gonna kick her little ass". 

Andy sighed, "What the hell are we doing Pip? I'm gonna be honest here, I don't know whether I can take another damn second of trying to keep myself away from you". He looked at her sincerely. "I can't wait it out until the divorce is finalised to have you, it's too long". 

"What about the kids?" 

"Well we already know how Isla feels but Jake? It's just something he'll have to accept, whether it be over a few days or weeks or months..." He walked towards her and took her face in his hands, "I've gotta have you Pip, you've always been mine. No one else's - I've just gotta have you now..." 

Her eyes flickered up and looked straight into his from under long lashes. 

"So have me..." 

Daddy Issues (Andy Barber x OC)Where stories live. Discover now