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The two days that passed felt more like weeks in Andy's book. Isla wasn't in a good way and had spent most of that night crying herself to sleep against him after coming into him at 2am. He'd been awake anyway, unable to switch off when she'd appeared in the doorway, eyes red.

"Dad...can I come in with you?" She sniffed and he beckoned her over, pulling her close while the tears started again. "I want mom!" She sobbed and he stroked her hair.

"I know sweetheart, I want her too..." He stared ahead at the wall, his mind abuzz with just why Laurie had to ruin his life and continue to take the ones he loved from him. "C'mon, try and get some sleep..."

"She almost got killed because of me".

He looked down at her, "Laurie would've done what she did anyway, cops told me she'd more than likely been watching your mom to see what her routine was like - you didn't cause this sweetheart, stop blaming yourself".

She kept herself huddled against him until finally she fell asleep, but all the while he lay there, still trying to make sense of everything. Tomorrow (or later that day as it was now early morning) they'd need to got and get Isla's things from Northampton seeing as she'd be there for the foreseeable, and then they'd head to the hospital. Andy hoped the police would give him an update of an arrest or something. One thing that he did know? This would grant him full custody of Jake, however the divorce was now the least important thing right now.

After they'd grabbed Isla's things, they were on their way to the hospital when his phone rang, Jake quickly pressed speaker so as Andy could talk while driving.

"Mr Barber, it's Doctor Meadows here".

Andy now felt sick, "please tell me something good..."

"Miss Everett has just come around from her coma, she's asking for you, is there anyway you can..."

He cut the doctor off, "we're on our way now, how is she doing? Is she ok?"

"We're taking her down for another head scan, and running some more tests, at least now she's awake we can determine the extent of her head injury, however seeing as she's asked for you it's a good sign".

Jacob gave a little air punch in triumph and Andy looked in the rear view, seeing Isla now wiping away her tears so as not to cry again. The dark cloud that hung over him lifted knowing that Pippa was awake, he just hoped that she could overcome what she'd been through. "She's always been strong, thanks Doc, we'll see you soon". He said as sped up a little more.

Pippa was awake and turned her head as the tree of them came into her room. "Mom!" Isla burst into tears again and gently hugged her. "I'm so glad you're alright..."

"Shhhh, you're not getting rid of me so easily young lady, come on, dry those tears". She smiled lightly. He'd head was pounding and she was feeling drowsy from the medication, but she was glad to see them".

"You had us all scared sweetheart". Andy murmured and leant down to kiss her head. "How you feeling?" He asked and sat beside her, taking her hand and pressing his lips to her knuckles.

Pippa smiled weakly, "like I've been hit by a car".

"Can you remember what happened?" He asked.

She shook her head, "not really...I was running..."

He stopped her, "don't try and push yourself, you need to rest".

"Doctor said I got banged up pretty bad, they had to operate..."

Andy nodded, "yeah, it was touch and go for a while, but you're still here". He now smiled.

Her hand trailed lightly down his face, "you look like shit, have you even slept?"

"No" he chuckled and held her hand a little tighter, "you like to keep me on my toes that's for sure". The whole thing had made him realise just how much she did really mean to him. He'd almost lost her, again, and if she'd have left him then he wouldn't have known how to carry on.

Doctor Meadows came in and now explained about the scan results and how long Pippa recovery would take as well as after care. She'd sustained some bad injuries, almost coming close to being paralysed. Meadows had said it was a wonder how she was still there with what she'd suffered. She'd need physio, medication, and regular check ups amongst the long list of things he now told them.

Now as Andy looked at her, she just nodded and took it all in. Another month or so in hospital it would have to be for now, but there was a chance of early release if the doctors felt that she was making progress.

"So I will be able to walk again?" She asked.

"It will take time, you may need the aid of a wheelchair and crutches at first, the physio is more to help build you back up after being stuck in bed, but with broken bones we need to be mindful that you won't be able to do this all in a day. It will take time and patience". It was her hip and foot as well as her shoulder on one side that had taken the impact.

Pippa nodded, "and the medication?"

"For your head mainly, but you'll also need pain relief. It's not going to be easy"

"I'm used to that". Pippa replied and stared at the ceiling. It was the story of her life. "Thank you doctor".

He nodded kindly and told Andy that he'd speak with later, leaving them be.

Isla looked at her, "we're gonna get you better mom...I promise".

Pippa beckoned her to her and kissed her head, "I can easily be fixed, it'll take time though". She smiled and brushed some hair from her daughters face.

Andy looked to Jacob, "how about you and Isla go grab a bite to eat, I need to speak with Pippa". He told him and passed him some money. Jacob knew what was about to come and nodded, smiling at Pippa.

"I'm glad you're ok Pippa". He said and then turned to Isla, "let's go get some food".

Once they had gone, Andy turned to Pippa. "We need to talk". And saw her face, "cops called me as we arrived here, they've got who did this to you in custody..."

"Did the person not stop?" She asked.

He nodded, "it was intentional", and looked at her.

She turned her head away from him, knowing exactly who had done this. "It was Laurie wasn't it?"

His grip on her had tightened, "yeah....it was Laurie..."

Daddy Issues (Andy Barber x OC)Where stories live. Discover now