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"Okay, just take it easy". Andy said as he helped Pippa up the path slowly. She had been determined to walk into the house and now gingerly took her steps before stopping for a moment. "You can do this".
She'd spent a little longer on hospital than she thought she would, due to her hip and mobility, however with the doctors now satisfied that she would recover well, they had allowed her to be discharged to continue recovering at home.

Pippa nodded and finally managed to get into the house. Jacob and Isla quickly getting her a chair to sit down on once they'd got through the back door and into the kitchen. "Missed you mom". Isla hugged her gently, not wanting to hurt her.

"I hope you haven't been giving your dad too much hassle since you've been here". Pippa smiled, taking the drink that Andy now passed to her. "Have you been getting all your school work done? I've been worried that..."

Isla laughed, "Mom, chill - it's all good. I'm doing all my assignments and stuff".

Andy nodded confirmation that she'd been doing just that. "She's been fine Pip, stop worrying". He said and then looked to his children. "Right, you two need to sit down, we wanna talk to you".

Both Jacob and Isla looked to one another and then cautiously sat at the table. "Are we in trouble?" Jake now asked.

Andy shook his head. "We wanted you to know that as soon as Pippa is back to her old self...we're getting married".

Isla's jaw dropped, "oh my god! For real! You're marrying Mom!" She'd wanted this for as long as she could remember, and looked to Jacob who looked a little surprised.

Pippa nodded with a smile and glanced over at Jacob. "I hope that it's not too much of a shock...I know that things concerning your mom haven't exactly been the best for you."

"It's cool" he smiled lightly.

Of course the news of the hit and run had spread around Newton like wildfire and Pippa knew that it hadn't been easy for any of them. She'd worried for Isla, but then also worried about Jacob and how he was coping. Andy had mentioned that there had been some comments made at school. She felt the guilt rise upon realising that this was her fault, and slowly got up, Andy going to help her but she waved it off. "I'm a little tired, I think I'll go and lie down for a while".

"Do you want me to..." Andy began but she stopped him.

"I'm ok...let me do this". She swallowed and hobbled out and to the stairs before he could see her get upset and frustrated. Lately the struggle of not being able to do as much was taking it's toll on her. Still she couldn't recall what happened on the day of the accident, and that made the irritation rise in her more.
Pippa knew that she couldn't cry, it would only mean that Laurie would've succeeded in breaking her spirit.

Andy appeared in the doorway a while later to check on her. "Do you need anything?" He asked as she turned to look at him. She was upset, he could see that. "Pip?"

"I'm ok..."

"No you're not".

She looked away from him. "We shouldn't have told them, Jacob's still coming around to the idea of us being together".

"Sweetheart, Jake is fine - after you came up here the kids and I sat together and talked about it more. He understands."

"And what about the comments he's been getting at school about Laurie? Had he told you that?"

Andy nodded. "It's a couple kids who are just bored and need a target. I've sorted most of it".

"It's because of me though, if I hadn't have..." she couldn't carry on and broke down into floods of tears. Andy held her while she sobbed into his chest, placing a kiss on her head.

She wasn't coping with everything, Pippa had kept it bottled up for so long and it was now showing. Her next words felt like a knife to his heart being twisted round inch by inch.

"Laurie should've just killed me, it would've been easier for everyone".

Daddy Issues (Andy Barber x OC)Where stories live. Discover now