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Pippa walked up the path to the house and took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell. A shadow crossed behind the glass and then it opened.

"Pippa?" Laurie looked surprised and then saw Isla in her arms. "Oh..."

"I came to speak with Andy, if that's ok. Just to show him that I wasn't lying." She said, standing her ground but her voice was shaking.

"He's not here..."

"Can I at least wait for him? Or at least have his number so I can contact him."

Laurie sighed. "Pippa, he has his own child to think about now". She put her hand to her stomach.

Pippa's heart sank, a sickly feeling in her own stomach rising. "You're....you're pregnant?" She stammered as Laurie nodded with a small smile.

"We weren't expecting it at all, but Andy's over the moon, this baby is just what he needs. He's such a good husband too." Laurie now showed her the ring. "It's beautiful isn't it?"

She nodded. "Yeah...lovely." And swallowed. "Congratulations."

I'll tell him you stopped by, but perhaps it's best that you stay away, he's still very upset about what happened with...that...." Laurie pointed to Isla awkwardly. "He's moved on, he's finally happy. Don't you want him to have some happiness at last?"

Pippa nodded. "Yes..." she replied quietly.

"Move on Pippa, he has and if you come back here and he sees you it'll only cause more upset for everyone here, and we don't want that for you do we? Especially not with your little one..."

Nodding silently, She looked at Laurie. "Forget I was ever here..."

"Oh I plan to. Goodbye Pippa."

Pippa turned away and walked back down the path holding back the tears until she rounded the corner and sobbed freely.

He'd moved on...

With her

Holding Isla close she made the journey back to the refuge, tears flowing all the way there.
Ruth noted her return and hurried along the hallway after her. "Pippa! Pippa! How did it go?"

"Leave me alone, please!" Pippa begged as she walked in and tried to close the door to her room, but Ruth was already there. "Please...just leave me be." She urged quietly.

Ruth closed the door behind her and looked at Pippa. "I'm guessing it didn't go well?"

"He's moved on, married Laurie and now...now...." She couldn't carry on and began to cry again.

Ruth put her arms around her and stroked her hair. "A boy like this isn't worth crying over - trust me..."

"She was meant to be my best friend!" Pippa cried , trying not to upset Isla. "She's pregnant with his baby!"

"Then she is no friend and not worth the bother - Pippa, you have friends here, you have people who care for you - this 'Laurie' has shown from her actions that she is not one."

Pippa put Isla into her cot and looked at Ruth. "How am I supposed to get past this? How am I supposed to give her what she wants?"

"You can and you will, because you are stronger than you think. You are everything to this little girl, father or no father she will grow up to be loved and will feel loved because she has you."

Daddy Issues (Andy Barber x OC)Where stories live. Discover now