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Pippa looked at herself in the mirror, the nerves rising slightly.

She didn't know why, everything was planned and by the end of the day she would finally take the name of the man who she was meant to marry year ago.

The name she would now share with her daughter.


Something final to cement their family together.

There was a knock on the door and Isla walked in, complete with her baby blue bridesmaids dress, grinning from ear to ear. The evening before they had shared together, sticking to the tradition of the bride and groom not seeing one another before the wedding. It was just like it had been when it was just the two of them, painting each other's nails, watching movies and when they couldn't sleep? Sitting up and talking about some more college antics that Andy and Pippa had been part of.

"You look so hot! Total MILF!"

Pippa rolled her eyes. "Oh stop, you're just saying that".

"Nuh uh - dad's gonna pass out when he sees you". Isla replied, "Jake says he's already been knocking back some wine to calm the old nerves"

"Your dad doesn't get nervous". Pippa laughed lightly and turned back to the mirror, "I mean, does this dress emphasise how fat my ass is?"

"You don't have a fat ass, and even if you did he wouldn't care". Isla smiled and passed Pippa her bouquet. "You look great mom, now you won't be the odd one out in a house full of Barber's"

Pippa hugged her daughter. Isla had been waiting for this forever and now everything she'd wished for was finally coming true. Meeting her father, her parents rekindling their relationship and finally being a family.

"I'll be lucky if I can make it down the aisle without my hip giving out".

"You can do it, I'm more concerned about dad". Isla laughed. "I think Jake's dealing with him".

Pippa looked at the clock, "best not keep him waiting too long, I think we've done enough of that".

Linking her arm through her mother's, Isla walked with her down to where the wedding would be taking  place, stopping just inside before they were to walk down outside.

"We're all set when you are" the wedding planner nodded to Pippa.

"Just as well that I am more than ready then". She smirked and looked at Isla, releasing her arm. "Off you go then, see you at the end of the aisle". 

Isla gave her one last kiss and began to walk down, Andy and Jacob turning from where they were waiting on a deck that overlooked the mountains.
As she reached them, Andy gave her a kiss on the cheek. "How's your mom?"

"She looks the bomb, but I suppose you should see for yourself" Isla grinned and went to stand on the opposite side, now looking down the aisle to where Pippa was beginning to walk.

Andy stared at her. was it possible to still keep falling in love even more with someone every time you saw them? Because that's how he felt every time he looked at Pippa, falling just that little bit more than he already thought that he could.

"My god..." he muttered as the kids smirked across at one another. He could feel the lump in his throat and swallowed it.

He was about to make this woman his. Just like it should have been.

Pippa reached him and he grinned. "How the hell did I get so lucky?" He murmured to her as they turned to the registrar.

"I've been asking myself the same question". She told him quietly, and the ceremony began.


Their reception was everything they hoped for, private with just the four of them sitting on the balcony of the hotel room eating dinner, like the usual family nights they shared.

"So, erm...I just wanna say something..." Isla now announced and they looked at her. "I just wanted to tell you guys that I love you, even you Jake - and I know that things have been like, reeeeeeally crap at times but if I could have something like you guys have when I'm older? I think I'll be pretty lucky".

Andy looked to Pippa and brought her knuckles to his lips, kissing them gently. "And I've got everything that I want right here".

Even after all this time he still managed to succeed in making her blush.

Jacob cocked his head to the door and looked at Isla, signalling that they should take their food and head to their room for the night.  "So, erm, we're gonna go chill - and to be honest we don't want to see you eating each other's faces" he said, getting up and taking his plate with his sister doing the same.

"Night bud, night sweetheart".

"Night dad, night Pip"

"Night mom, night daddy"  Isla said, following Jacob out and closing the door behind her.

Andy turned to his new wife. "Right Mrs Barber, what say we get you outta that dress?"

"I thought you'd never ask"

Daddy Issues (Andy Barber x OC)Where stories live. Discover now