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Pippa wasn't entirely sure of what closure meant to her anymore. Not now it took her decades to so much as walk to the kitchen. She was feeling a little more positive and had started therapy at Andy's request. It was the least she could do in order to assure him that she wouldn't leave. He still had that fear no matter how hard she had tried to tell him that she wouldn't.

"Faster than yesterday mom". Isla smirked and held up the stopwatch once she got into the kitchen.

Pippa chuckled, "oh shut up! Where's your tutor anyway?"

"Running late, so I thought I'd start my assignment - but seriously though you're doing well! You're faster than a grandma".

"I feel like one, I'd like to walk without crutches altogether thanks".

"All part of the rehabilitation". Pippa mocked Andy's voice with the usual excuse he always told her.

Pippa rolled her eyes, "and if I hear your dad say that one more time I'm going to beat him with these things". She held up a crutch enough to keep her balance and not put pressure on her healing body.

"I heard that". Andy said, manoeuvring his way around his fiancée and giving her a kiss.
As he was working from home he had time to be there just incase Pippa needed an appointment or help in general, however Jake and Isla had been amazing if there was an occasion where he needed to be in court.

"I didn't say anything". Pippa pled ignorance, "you're just hearing things".

"Hearing things my ass, you're plotting my downfall". He threw back with a chuckle and made them some coffee as she settled herself at the table.

Jacob now came in and rooted around the fridge to find his yoghurt. "Who's plotting against who?"

"Mom's gonna kill dad" Isla told him casually.

"Can you guys do it when I'm not here then? I already have one bat shit crazy parent". And then winced as he realised what he said. "Sorry...I didn't mean..."

Pippa brushed it off, "it's ok, I don't plan on following your mother's path anytime soon".

Jacob brought her coffee over and sat next to her while Andy checked the emails on his phone. "Need a ride to school bud?" He asked, briefly glancing up and then back at the screen, answering an email Joanna had sent about the impending trial.

"Yeah please". Jacob now replied and bit into his breakfast, "oh, Noah's invited us bowling after school". He looked to his sister, "he thinks your hot". And made a disgusted face.

Isla sported the same. "Ew".

"Please tell me I don't have to give the talk" Andy looked their way.

"Oh my god dad! We know what happens". Isla hid her face while Jake slid further down his seat. "Anyway I'm not making the same mistake you and mom did..."

"Ouch." Pippa shot her a dry look. "You aren't a mistake, if you were then you wouldn't be here".

Andy shook his head, coming to stand behind Pippa's chair and squeezing her shoulders gently. "Your mom's right, you're not".

"You totally were" Jacob smirked and then received a whack from his sister "ow! What the shit!".

"Language!" Andy snapped as Isla now took off her shoe, and made after Jacob who was now up and running upstairs to get to his room before she caught up. He sighed, "we're lucky they're not like this all the time".

Pippa agreed. "I'm just glad they get along for the most part". She felt him kiss her neck from behind. "Isla's still upset about what Laurie said to her, I can tell. She tries to hide things like I do but I can see straight through her".

"I'll talk to her" Andy told her and looked at his phone. "Her tutor just messaged, she can't get here so looks like she's got a day to do her assignment". Checking his watch he kissed Pippa again, "I'm just gonna see whether Jake's still alive for school and take him, then I'll be in the office if you need me, got a meeting with Lynn at 9 though, might wanna warn Isla just in case".

"I will". She smiled and slowly got up, crossing the kitchen to make herself some breakfast while he yelled up the stairs for his son. "You still alive buddy!"

Isla came down satisfied, "got him in a headlock".

"That's my girl" he praised her quietly so as Pippa couldn't hear, "your tutor isn't coming today so get on with that assignment. Oh, and after lunch I wanna have a talk with you".

She rolled her eyes, "if it's about sex ed..."

"No, I'll see you when I'm back". He told her and grabbed his keys as Jacob joined them. "Let's go bud".

The last thing that Andy wanted was Laurie getting into his daughter's head as well as Pippa's.

Daddy Issues (Andy Barber x OC)Where stories live. Discover now