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The conversation with Isla was just as easy as it had been with Pippa. His daughter told him all about school and her dancing, what she foods she loved (Thai) and things she hated. Her mannerisms reminded him of Pippa, however some of the looks she threw were very much his own.

"Mom says you kick people's asses in court?" Isla now said, dumping herself back onto her chair after getting another drink.

He chuckled. "Now that sounds like something your mom would say to describe me, but yeah, I guess that's exactly what I do amongst other things."

"I can't imagine her studying law - was she any good?"

Andy nodded. "She's always been brainy." and then looked at his daughter. "Has it always been struggle though? Tell me honestly."

Isla nodded. "I remember she'd cry sometimes when she thought I was asleep. That was when I was about nine or ten. Then once I wanted this awesome dolls house and she worked like three jobs taking up any shifts she could, just so I could open it on my birthday. Aunt Ruth used to look after me when I was a baby, and mom got her jobs - she said I spent more time with her than she did with me and felt pretty bad."

"Aunt Ruth?" Andy frowned.

Isla nodded. "She ran the women's refuge that mom and I lived in until we got our first apartment. She still sees mom now."

He sighed. "I'm so sorry Isla..."

She shrugged it off. "You both got screwed over. Mom told me everything. I'm just glad to finally meet you - I've wanted it for ages, growing up it's always been the two of us and every year up until I was like, 13, I always asked Santa for you." She paused and looked down at her juice. "Then...I kinda just gave up asking..."

Andy pulled her into a hug, and kissed her hair. "You've got me now, and I can't apologise enough as to how late I am." and then pulled away. "You and your mom are close then."

"She's the coolest, all my friends say she is. We hang out, I tell her about the gossip at school and stuff, oh and we have movie night like every Friday." She explained. "Are you and Jacob close?"

He nodded. "Probably not as much as you and your mom, but that's my fault. Now though? I think we'll be spending more time together."

"What's he like?"

"Jake's a typical boy, not much into sports - prefers his video games and stuff, but he's a good kid."

Isla sipped her drink. "Think we'll get along?"

Andy nodded. "I think so. Though he won't admit it? I think he's a bit nervous about meeting you. He's always been by himself and even though he wanted a sibling when he was younger, it always stayed with just him."

Thankfully. This would be harder if there were more kids involved.

"Mom never had anyone else." Isla said casually. "Never went out on dates or anything. Guys would apparently ask her, but she'd turn them down."

Andy frowned. "Why?"

Isla looked at him. "I don't think she liked the idea of someone else replacing you, even if you weren't there - and she admitted to me earlier that it's always been you, so I guess she's kinda never wanted to let go." Now she realised what she said. "I shouldn't have told you that..."

He looked at her. "Your mom never moved on because of me?"

At that moment Pippa walked in so nothing else could be said. "How's everything going?" She smiled and put her mug into the sink.

"I was telling dad about my dancing and stuff."

"Talented kid we've got right here." Andy turned and smiled at her. "Then again of course she would be - she's ours."

Just saying that warmed his heart.

His daughter.

"You guys hungry?" Pippa asked, "I can whip up some lunch - what time do you have to be back for Jacob?"

"Five at the latest" Andy told her.

"You good with pasta then?"

His eyes met hers, "I'm good with whatever you give me."

They looked at one another for a few moments before she turned away. "I'll erm, start it then." And began to throw herself into making them lunch.

Isla looked at them both as they ate lunch. "So was it love at first sight?"

Andy immediately began to choke, a little taken aback by the question and received a smack on the back from Pippa. "'Scuse me." He apologised and then took a sip of water. "Well, erm..."

"Perhaps that's a question best saved for another time." Pippa shot Isla a look.

The girl shrugged, "what? I just wanna know when you guys fell for one another. You never told me anything about you and dad anyway."

Andy looked at Pippa, "hey, it's ok. We should tell her about how it was. She wants to know more about us."

She pondered and then nodded. "His chat up line was about law, and it sucked so much that it caught my attention." She smirked.

"Hey, I put in a lot of thought trying to come up with something that was clever." He threw her a look.

"Wasn't clever, but it made me notice you for sure." She shook her head with a smile.

Isla was grinning by now, "so when did you realise you liked mom?" She asked And, jabbing her fork into her pasta.

Andy thought about it, and then his eyes met Pippa's. "From the moment I first laid eyes on her..."

Daddy Issues (Andy Barber x OC)Where stories live. Discover now