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Andy and Pippa watched and Isla and Jacob hugged one another goodbye. They'd had a nice day and dinner together had been like the most natural thing in the world with the four of them.

"Ok so text me the cheat codes for that game." Isla smirked to her brother.

"I will, and I'll add you on the server."


Pippa turned to Andy, "I'll give you a message when we get home." And hugged him. "You take care, I'll see you next weekend."

"You too, see you then." And then kissed Isla goodbye, giving her a long and tight hug. "See you next weekend yeah? Jake and I will try and think of something we can all do that won't bore you to tears."

Isla laughed lightly. "It's cool, I had fun today, I can't wait for the weekend already."

He smiled, "me neither", and with one last goodbye, watched as the pair got into the car. "You all good bud?" He looked to Jacob who's hands were slung in his pockets.

"Yeah, she's pretty cool. We like the same music and stuff."

"Well that's good to hear, I'm just relieved you guys get along."

"Me too." Jacob nodded, "I didn't think I'd like her but I do, even if she thinks she can boss me about coz she's older."

Andy chuckled and turned to where Pippa's car was making a hell of a lot of noise. "Let's go see what's up." He walked down the path and leant against the car as she rolled down the window.

"It won't start." She huffed

Andy looked to the hood and could see some smoke begin to escape from under it. "Let me take a look, jump out."

"This mean we're stranded?" Isla huffed as she got up and jumped back as Andy popped the hood, smoke now coming out.

"Overheated. You're not going anywhere for a while." He crossed his arms and studied the engine. "Could be worse though..." and looked over at his daughter and her mother. "Guess you're having a sleepover at ours tonight."

Pippa now began to protest, "it's fine, we can always get a hotel..."

He wasn't having it though, "we've got the room, honestly we don't mind do we Jake?"

"Nope, I've got a sleeping bag so Isla can crash in my room if she wants?"

Andy turned back with a grin. "See? It'll be just like college. Stay up late, watch a movie..."

"Except I never used to bring a sleeping bag." Pippa smirked.

"Oh my god really, I'm standing right here!" Isla scrunched up her nose in disgust and brushed past to go and see Jacob. "Wanna go carry on that game?" 

The pair disappeared indoors and Andy slammed the hood of the car down. "Come on, it's getting late anyway, just crash here and by tomorrow morning we'll see where we stand with the car." 

"Only if you're sure." 

"Well the gruesome twosome have gone upstairs for the night so looks like it's just us." Andy smirked as she laughed. "Look, I'll sleep on the sofa, you can take my bed." 

"No way, I have dibs on the sofa - it's pretty comfy actually." She said as they returned inside, Andy opening a bottle of wine for the pair and pouring them a glass each. 

They settled themselves down and he turned on some music. "Ah, this takes me back." He said as one song from the 90's came on. 

"I still can never forget the party in halls where literally there was a whole line of us doing that awful dance to 'The Bad Touch'." Pippa now began to laugh, "I think that was the same night they decided to do mattress dominoes as well..." 

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