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The judge has deemed the plea deal invalid, evidence coming to light that Laurie had intended on causing harm to Pippa, and Andy couldn't have been anymore pleased when Duffy had called on the evening of Day 1 in court. She had been fighting to have the deal retracted and had won, which meant that now Laurie would be facing a sentence for attempted murder. 

On Day 2, sitting once again in court, Andy listened to all the evidence, the walk through of everything that happened along with Joanna questioning Laurie about what went on, on the morning of that fateful day. 

He felt sick, watching as Laurie (with no remorse whatsoever) told the court of how her marriage fell apart, how her husband had filed for divorce to return to a woman who he hadn't seen in neigh on seventeen years and that he and Pippa were simply to blame. He didn't look at her, but instead glared into the table, feeling as though he could put his fist through it at any moment. 

On Day 3, Pippa finally took the stand to give her testimony of what had happened, and just how Laurie's actions had impacted on her both her physical and mental health. She was strong, her voice cracked slightly as she went through how she was only just beginning to heal and on looking at Andy, he smiled and nodded his encouragement to her. This woman was no doubt the strongest that he had ever known, from everything she'd been through she had come out of the other side still refusing not to be beaten. 

On the final day of the trial after the jury had come back in with their verdict, the judge ruled a satisfactory sentence and the minimum serving time that would ensure that Laurie would never get out from prison. The judge stated that she was disgusted at the measures one woman would go to, to try and get revenge on a woman who she had always been jealous of. 

Joanna smiled at Andy once court was over and he shook her hand as they stood up. "Thank you so much Joanna - Pippa and I are really grateful". He told her, now looking behind him at where Pippa sat smiling weakly and looking as though she was about to cry. Quickly getting to her, Andy kissed her gently. "It's all over sweetheart, you heard the judge - finally we can move on". 

"I know..." She broke down and sobbed, feeling him hold her close and kiss her hair. 

Laurie was out of their lives and now it was time to be the family that they should be. 


"FUCK YES!" Isla grinned as the pair told the kids at dinner that evening. They'd decided to get Chinese and now sat around the table filling them both in on what had happened. Isla now looked at them and frowned. "Are you gonna yell at me for cursing?" 

"No, to be honest I said the same thing earlier". Andy smirked as he wound some noodles around his fork. He had taken Jacob aside and told him about what was going to happen. The teen had nodded and said that he realised his mom was a 'crazy bitch' and was still coming to terms with everything. 

There was only a few more weeks until the move to Colorado and Pippa had begin to box up things they wouldn't need before then. "Isla" Pippa now shot her daughter an unimpressed look and then her eyes fell to Jacob. "I'm sorry Jake, she doesn't mean it like that".

"It's ok, really" Jacob smiled, "I mean, she was a complete bitch to Isla so I'm also gonna give a 'fuck yeah'". 

"Ok, that's enough fucks for one night". Andy now calmed them both as the two teens high fived one another. 

"Bet you don't say that to mom very often". Isla smirked 

Andy now choked on his food, Pippa smacking him on the back. "Isla! Really!" 

"Bar has officially been lowered". Jacob chuckled into his drink, knowing full well his sister had no filter. 

"Whaaaaat? it's not like you guys even try and hide it either - I swear Jake and I are just gonna go sleep in the car..." 

Pippa put her head in her hands as Andy managed to stop choking. "What? Just because your mom and I are the age we are it means we need to stop?" 

"Yes" Jacob now said. 

"Please..." Isla added. "Oh god you're not trying for another kid are you?" She now looked horrified at Jacob who had the same expression on his face. 

"For the last time - No". Pippa confirmed.

Andy rolled his eyes. "Believe me, you two are enough pains in the ass for us to deal with". 

Isla smiled sweetly, "just checking, we wanna be the only ones to annoy you". 

"Fantastic",  Andy drawled and poured himself another drink, topping up Pippa's glass in the process. 

"So, do I get dibs on what room I have when we get to Colorado?" Isla asked. 

Jacob now cut her off, "No way! That's not fair!" 

"Yes it is! I've always had the small crappy room, I should get to pick first". 

Pippa looked to Andy and shook her head. "Can we move to Colorado without them?" She asked as the pair continued to bicker over who was having what room. 

"It'd be a lot more peaceful". Andy smirked and took her hand, giving it a squeeze. He then rose from the chair gesturing for Pippa to follow his lead. 

She did, Andy walking her to towards the direction of the hallway. "Hey!" Jacob and Isla now were looking at them. "Where are you going?" 

"To have loud sex so we can drown you two out". Andy smirked 

"Andy!" Pippa now whacked him across the chest with the back of her hand, shocked but laughing at the same time. "Stop!" 

"You two gonna shut up?" 

"Only if you don't go upstairs and do whatever gross stuff it is that you do". Jacob wrinkled his nose. 

Andy looked at Pippa and nodded. "See? Stopped them immediately". 

She shook her head and walked back into the kitchen to begin clearing away the takeout containers. "Come on you two, let's clear this up while your dad finds us something decent to watch". 

"Ooooor I could go get us all dessert?" Andy now threw them all a look knowing that no one in this house ever passed up that offer. 

"I'm gonna go with you" Jacob now all but ran, "I mean, if that's ok?" He then asked looking back at Pippa and feeling bad for leaving the clearing up to her and Isla. 

She shook her head. "Go on, you boys go get the dessert and Isla and I will find something for us to watch". 

Andy grabbed his keys and he and Jacob headed for the front door, before he then stopped and walked back into the kitchen. "C'mere" he grinned, kissing Pippa gently. 

"You're literally going to the store, it's ten minutes". 

"Yeah but ten minutes away from you? It's the equivalent to a lifetime". 

"Oh stop, you managed for sixteen years". 

"Yeah, and I will never stop regretting that. Ever". 

Pippa smiled weakly and kissed him again. "Stop regretting the past, it's done. Start living for us. For now". 

Daddy Issues (Andy Barber x OC)Where stories live. Discover now