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"We could ditch the kids and just stay here all evening". Andy said, planting a kiss on Pippa's head as they lay tangled up in one another in bed. The sex had only just started with the kitchen counter. They'd soon moved upstairs and ended up in the shower before they'd fallen (still wet) onto the bed and finished up things.

It had been worth making up for lost time after all.

"I think we should have words with our scheming daughter though..." Pippa pressed her lips to his chest as she lay against him.

"She's a clever girl, just like her mom..."

Pippa snorted, "I just hope she makes something of herself. I never did".

"You have a degree". He reminded her.

"Which I was never able to put to use", she also reminded him. "I just want the best for her, to learn from the mistakes we made...and before you even think that I'm implying that she's a mistake, I would never say that."

He nodded. "I know, and I wasn't thinking that at all". With a sigh, he toyed with a lock of hair. "I'd never think it - you raised our daughter by yourself, that is worth more than any job".

She gave him a quick kiss on his chest and rolled over to check the time. "What time did the kids want you to meet them?"

"4, 5? Can't remember" he smirked tiredly, why?"

"It's 5:30, better check your phone".

Andy looked and saw the messages from Jacob. "I'll just tell him that I've hurt my back reeeeeeal bad". He said sarcastically and sent a message, "which means they're gonna be coming straight home, so we'd best make it look as though nothings happened- for now".

"Better clean that kitchen then". She rolled out of bed and pulled her clothes on while he did the same - both of them tidying up and going downstairs to do so before the kids came back home.

Half an hour later, Jacob and Isla walked in, Andy standing there with his arms crossed along with Pippa.

"Rumbled..." Jacob looked to Isla and then dashed upstairs, the door slamming before both parents turned to their daughter.

"Dad's hurt his back eh?" Pippa threw a look at Isla. "Smooth..."

"Couldn't move? You've got some explaining to do".

Isla looked smug, "got mom here though didn't it?" And then she realised that they were not too pleased, "look, I'm sorry ok? I just wanted you guys together so bad I didn't know what else to do..." she flopped onto the kitchen chair. "I want to be with you and dad and Jake altogether...I hate leaving".

Andy and Pippa looked to one another and she nodded. "Would it help of your mom and I told you that we are considering giving it another shot?" Andy asked, knowing he was only telling his daughter only a fraction of what he and Pippa had discussed.

"You are?" Isla looked at them a little surprised

"We want to take things slowly, casually, but we're going to give it another go". Pippa told her.

"So, are you guys gonna like move in together or?"

"Not yet, we're still gonna be where we are, but we will see one another every weekend. Don't forget your dad is going through a divorce - it's gonna be a little tough for a while".

Isla nodded, "when do you go to court?"

"Still gotta wait for a date but seeing as I have some connections, I can try and speed things up."

"Jake and I never ate coz we were waiting for you, so...think we can all go out for pizza like we planned?" Isla wrinkled her nose as she asked

"Go get your brother".

Daddy Issues (Andy Barber x OC)Where stories live. Discover now