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Andy looked in the mirror at himself on the morning of the trial, it was still early however he hadn't been able to sleep.

How could he when he was to face his ex wife in court?

Arms snaked around his waist and he closed his eyes, feeling Pippa's warmth against him. "You should be asleep". He noted to her.

"So should you, come back to bed for a little while". She told him a little tiredly. He'd been tossing and turning all night which had meant less sleep for her.

She would not be attending and felt bad as she didn't want Andy to go through it alone, however He and Joanna had advised her that it was for the best. "Come on, you have a couple of hours yet, come back to bed".
He was braced against the sink, head bowed and she could tell he was trying to pull himself together for her sake. "Andy..." her voice cracked.

He nodded silently and headed back to bed with her, lying beside her in the darkness. "What if she gets out sooner?" Pippa now asked, breaking the silence.

"Even if she does then we'll be away from here". He told her.

They were making the move to Colorado soon, having seen a house that they loved. The kids had seemed happy with the choice and so they'd gone ahead and put in the offer, finding out just an hour later that it had been accepted.

"I'm just a little scared that's all" Pippa now admitted.

Andy rolled over and leant down, kissing her gently. Her arms snaked around his neck as she pulled him down a little further, one of his hands pulling down her pyjama shorts and then pushing her panties to one side.

She felt as though she could melt as two of his fingers slipped inside of her. Still she couldn't really overdo it when it came to this, but foreplay was usually enough. Her back arched while his fingers continued to pump into her, until she broke free from his lips. "Take them off" she urged him to undress.

He wasn't going to say no to that and withdrew his fingers, removing his clothes as she wiggled gently free of hers, now caging her against the mattress and leaning in to kiss her again.

"You sure about this sweetheart?" He asked

"I need you". She urged and opened her legs a little more for him to nestle between them. "I'll tell you if it hurts".

He gently moved into her with a small groan. "You feel fucking good sweetheart, you ok?"

She nodded, "go on, I can take all of you", and he moved further until he was fully inside, then beginning with gentle thrusts.

It was slow, sensual, and Pippa felt her head begin to spin as soon as he hit the spot he knew she loved. "Andy..." she let out a raspy breath, tightening around him. "I...I need..."

He felt her come as she moaned his name quietly, finishing inside of her and then getting his breath back. "Fuck..." he muttered, pulling out and laying next to her. "I'd didn't hurt you did I?"

She shook her head. "No", rolling over delicately and huddling against him.

Andy pressed his lips to her hair, "I can't wait to finally make you mine". Moving was a big thing and after they were settled, then they'd start the wedding plans.

"Ive always been yours, you just didn't know it".


Andy sat next to Joanna as court began, feeling a sense of sickness in the pit of his stomach as Laurie was brought in and sat down with her lawyers.

"Are we ready to begin?" The judge asked.

"Yes your honour". Joanna said along with Laurie's lawyer.

Out of the corner of his eye, he could sense Laurie looking over at him, however his focus remained on the judge. He couldn't look at her, she didn't deserve his acknowledgment.

He was going to get justice for his fiancée, his children and himself. They all deserved that much, and Laurie deserved nothing.

Daddy Issues (Andy Barber x OC)Where stories live. Discover now