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"How could you be so stupid!" Virginia Everett fumed at her daughter. "You stupid, stupid little girl!"

"Mom, please!" Pippa sobbed. "I'm so scared!"

Virginia wasn't listening though. The news of her daughter's pregnancy had angered her, and now her husband was also disappointed. "I don't care Pippa! You did this to yourself! Did you not think for one second about your career! Your future! It's ruined! All our hard work and money that we have put into your education - it's all been for nothing!"

"Virginia..." George Everett tried to interrupt but was subsequently stopped.

"No George! We have spent thousands on her education! And this is how she repays us? If she'd have kept her head down and not been sleeping around like a common whore then she wouldn't be in this situation!"

Pippa looked at her mother. "Mom...please, I tried to talk to Andy..."

"And clearly Andrew feels the same way! He doesn't want you because now his life will be ruined too! It's not just your life and career that is changed by this!" Virginia sighed and shook her head. "I cannot bear to look at you..."

"Mom.." Pippa pleaded quietly.

"Pack your things, and leave - we never want to see you again, you've disappointed us so much..."

Pippa swallowed. "You...you're throwing me out?"

Virginia glared at her and now told her slowly, "Pack your things and leave". before storming out, George shaking his head to himself.

"Daddy...please don't do this, I have nowhere to go..."

He paused and then hurtfully responded with, "Well you'll just have to find somewhere..."


Pippa made her way indoors on her crutches, now seeing two figures sat on the couch with Andy seated opposite them.

Virginia now looked at her, her face crumpled slightly at the sight of her daughter as Andy got up and helped her to sit down. He'd sent Isla upstairs and told her to stay there, but he knew that she was probably lurking at the top of the stairs to try and listen in.

He sat himself next to her and took her hand in his, squeezing it gently.

"You have a lovely home..." Virginia now said looking around.

Pippa stared at her. "Why are you here?"

Virginia shifted slightly, "We heard about your little accident..."

"Little?" Andy now couldn't believe what he was hearing, "She was hit by a damn car at a speed that could've killed her! She's still suffering from her head injury, her broken bones! She's needing therapy to walk again as well as to come to terms with what happened! And you say it was 'little'?"

"Andy..." Pippa now calmed him. "It's ok".

"No it's not! They threw you out! Threw our unborn daughter out! And now they're back here after all these years because you had an accident! Why now? Why not years ago?"

Virginia now stepped in. "Because we could not trace her..."

"Well you didn't try very hard then because I've moved around Massachusetts and was in a shelter for sometime before I was able to afford any kind of housing for myself". Pippa stated.

"And yet you found Andrew...how long have you two been together for?"

At that point the front door opened and Jacob walked in, "I'm home..." He came into the living room and stopped. "Oh..."

Daddy Issues (Andy Barber x OC)Where stories live. Discover now