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The pair somehow quietly made it to the bedroom, shutting the door before ripping at one another's clothes, falling back onto the bed.

Pippa pulled Andy's mouth down to hers, never wanting him to stop, his knee nudged her legs apart and both moaned as he pushed his way inside of her.

"Let's see if I can remember what makes you tick?" He muttered to her as he bottomed out, then thrusting harder into her, hitching her legs up to his hip and continuing.

Her nails raked down his back, digging in every so often as he hit the spot that sent her head spinning. "Don't stop..."

"Wasn't planning to." He gave her a look that he'd only ever given to her. "God you're so damn beautiful Pip..." manoeuvring her on top of him and grabbing her hips so as she kept steady as they snapped against one another .

She gave him a very seductive glance and bit her lip, "remember what I used to do to send you wild?"

"Don't you dare Everett..." he warned, watching her hand slide down to the spot between her legs, and circle her clit. "You're still as naughty as you were back then."

She pulled him up to sit and continued to move up and down him, gasping against his mouth as he felt her clench around him. "Andy..."

"I should never have let you go Pippa..." he uttered to her, lips working their way down her her breasts, taking one in his mouth, tongue swirling around her nipple.
His hand replaced her own between her legs and worked on her while she continued to move against him.

Had she really just heard him right? "You know how I feel." She panted out, "it's always been you." The coil in side of her was literally about to snap as he held her close against his body.

"Go on sweetheart." He urged, "let go for me."

Andy held her as she came, shaking against him while he released all he had into her. The pair breathed their way through the aftershocks until Pippa lifted herself off him and lay back, Andy then moving his body over hers and kissing her once again.

"You ok?" He murmured.

She nodded, "I guess I forgot how intense that could be." After all, he'd been her first and only partner she'd had.

"Did I hurt you?"

Pippa shook her head, "no, but you certainly haven't lost your stamina", grinning up at him.

"I meant what I said".

"Me too".


They made sure that they were already awake and down in the kitchen the next morning before Isla and Jacob woke up, the two teens shuffling into the room around 9am and grunting a 'morning' under their breath.

"Well are you two in a wonderful mood." Pippa stated as they slipped onto a couple of chairs and poured some juice.

"Mmmmm." Was all Isla said and grabbed some toast, buttering it.

The breakfast was mainly in silence for a short time as the teenagers began to wake up a little more and begin to talk to one another, however Andy and Pippa remained silent - choosing to throw certain looks when their children weren't looking.

"Why are you two so silent?" Jacob now asked.

"Could ask you the same bud." Andy threw back and sipped his coffee. "What happened? She beat you at your game?"

"Yeah..." Jacob mumbled.

Andy chuckled and eyed Pippa over the rim of his cup. Then signalling with his eyes that they should leave the room and perhaps head off where the kids couldn't see them. "So why are you quiet?" Isla now asked.

"No reason." Pippa replied. "Just the same as you - tired."

"You sleep ok? You were gonna take the couch weren't you?"

Pippa nodded at this. "It was a little hard..."

Andy almost choked on his coffee, causing Jacob to smack him on the back. "Excuse me..." he apologised as he cleared his throat - then discreetly shaking his head in fake disapproval at Pippa.

Isla and Jacob looked at each other with a frown but said nothing.

"I'm gonna go see whether the engine's ok." Pippa quickly made her excuses and got up, heading outside to the car.

Andy watched her go, while not noticing the kids mouth 'what the fuck?' To one another. "So, what time did you guys crash out?"

"About 11. Early for me but it was a long day." Jacob said. "What are we gonna do next weekend?"

He sat back and thought, "go out for pizza if you guys want? We can always decide what to do on the day."

"Sounds good to me." Isla grinned and then saw her mother come back in. "How's the car mom?"

"All good, when you're ready we'll be on our way."

Isla nodded and got up along with Andy and Jacob, giving her dad a tight hug. "Love you daddy", she whispered, "I've had a real nice weekend - just wish the next one was sooner."

"Me too gorgeous." He said, kissing her head. "You and your mom take care on the way back, I'll come pick you up next weekend, saves your mom driving all the way here and back again."

Isla nodded and looked like she was about to cry but held it together as she said goodbye to her brother. "So yeah, I'll be online later."

"Awesome, speak later on sis."

Pippa and Andy now had their turn to exchange goodbyes. "Well...guess I'll see you soon..."

"Guess you will..."

They looked at one another for a moment, Pippa mindlessly toying with the ring that Andy had given her last night. "Goodbye Andy."

"Take care Pip."

He gave them a small wave as they backed out of the drive and disappeared down the road until they were out of sight. Not even gone for two minutes and already he missed them both. "Dad? You coming in or staying out here?" Jacob now asked.

Andy took his eyes from where the car had long since disappeared and returned inside with his son.

Isla glanced over at Pippa. "Why were you and dad acting so weird this morning? You barely said anything to one another." She asked. "Did you guys argue or something?"

"Weird? We weren't acting weird?" Pippa lied, but the question had thrown her.


Her daughter now half laughed. "Yes you were! Geez did you guys talk about the good old days and then kiss or something."

Pippa's hands gripped tighter at the wheel as she heard Isla. "Mom...oh my god did dad kiss you?"

"He erm...well...we...it was more than that." Looking over at her, Pippa rolled her eyes on seeing her daughter's jaw literally on the floor. "We slept together ok?" She sighed.

"Oh.My. God! You slut!" Isla laughed.


"What? Wait...does this mean you and dad are gonna get back together." She looked hopefully at her mother.

Pippa shook her head. "This is why I didn't want to tell you - you'd only get your hopes up."

"Well it obvious that you and dad still like one another - to do that, that is...oh my god, what if you have another kid."

"Isla - enough." Pippa now stopped her. "Your dad and I? It's complicated, even more so now. But I don't want you getting your hopes up ok? As long as we're on good terms that's all that matters to me. Now we're not gonna talk about this anymore ok?"

A huff of disappointment came from Isla as she sat back in the passenger seat, "Okaaaaay", silently wishing inside that she could finally have her mom and dad together like she'd always wanted.

Daddy Issues (Andy Barber x OC)Where stories live. Discover now