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The drive had gone fairly quickly and Andy had settled into his hotel room, checking the time. 2pm.
The reunion didn't start until 7pm so there was lots of time to get some rest from the journey before he went. 

The phone buzzed as he sat watching some crappy daytime shows on the rooms TV and he glanced across, seeing Laurie's name flash up. "Hey." He answered. 

"Hey, just checking in to see how everything is." 

He chuckled. "Well I haven't burned the house down if that's what you're really asking." 

She laughed. "I'm glad! What you doing with yourself?"

"Just taking it easy." He lied, not about to tell her that he was going to the reunion. "Watching some rubbish on TV and looking at case notes." 

"Ergh, you'd have been better off with us." 

"Starting to think that I would have - you and Jake ok?" 

"All fine, just been out for the day and then tonight they're barbequing." 

He smiled. "Seems like I'm missing out." 

"And everyone here's missing you too - so are me and Jake." 

Andy laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. "I'm sure you're having a good time regardless. It's been a while since you've seen your sister and everyone." 

She sighed. "I know, just wish that you were with us for it. It doesn't feel right without you here." 

"I know, but I'll try and make next time - I promise." 

"Alright, anyway I'd better let you get on. See you soon." 

"Take care sweetheart." He said and hung up. 

Chucking the phone to one side, he ran his hands down his face thinking back to the moment it had been the three of them. Pippa, Laurie and him - the three best friends, well, Laurie had been Pippa's friend and they'd all hung out together. After everything that happened? It had been Laurie to help him pull himself together, Laurie who had let him know of what Pippa had done. 


"I tried to stop her Andy, honestly, but she just wouldn't listen..." Laurie said as she watched his face crumple at what he had just been told. "Said she was going to do it anyway, otherwise it would just ruin your lives...I don't agree with it, I just...I knew you needed to know." 

Andy sat with his head in his hands on the edge of the bed. "Geez...why the hell did she not tell me?" 

"She was scared, it's a big thing - even you know that..." 

"Yeah but to not tell me? What the hell? And you knew!" 

Laurie nodded. "She only told me last night, I thought she'd tell you before...damnit I should've just stayed out of it." She cursed to herself. 

Andy looked up at her. "I don't understand..." 

"Andy I'm so sorry..." 

"No, no it's ok - I'm glad you came to tell me. You're a good friend, and I know it was probably hard to admit as Pip's your best friend." 

Laurie sighed. "She's everything to me, I just don't know why she wanted to do this. I had to just let her go." 

Andy stared into space. "Think she'll come here after? To tell me?" 

"I don't know...what will you do if she tells you?"

He shrugged. "I don't know..." 

Laurie set herself down next to him. "Andy...what will you do about...y'know, what you were planning?" 

"I can't think about that now." He got up angrily and paced. "I just can't..." 

She nodded. "Ok..."

"Sorry, I shouldn't have snapped, it's not your fault." 

"It's ok - but whatever happens, I'm here for you." 

And she had been. She'd been a good friend to him and he trusted her. After the split with Pippa and graduating, Laurie had helped him to pick himself back up. They dated and soon after she'd fallen pregnant with Jacob. He'd been ecstatic and they'd quickly married, ready to make a life and family for themselves. 

In the back of his mind though, it could have been him and Pippa...

That had been their goal. To find a place to rent after graduation and start their jobs. He'd only told Laurie about proposing. 

"I don't know when...I was thinking just before graduation." He had said over lunch one day when the pair were brainstorming on when and where he should do it.

She looked thoughtful as she chewed on her sandwich. "That could work actually, two things to celebrate - you got the ring yet?" 

"Not yet...I wanted to figure out when to do this."

"Well I can't wait to see her face. She's gonna be so surprised." Laurie smiled and then laughed, "Are you blushing?!" 

He snorted, "What? No!" And jabbed at his pasta. "I just...can't wait to start my life with her."

Andy highly doubted that she would be there tonight. The curiosity would still get the better of him, but he wasn't holding out any hope.If that day lived in his mind still, then it lived in hers. Surely the last thing she'd do was go to a reunion knowing her ex was there. 

He showered and got ready, before making his way to the campus, following the people heading for the doors to the gym. He remembered it still, however he'd never really frequented there. 

"Andy!" Someone yelled and he recognised Tom walking towards him with a broad grin on his face, "Andy Barber! Well, look at you!" He said, both men shaking hands. "Glad you could make it." 

"Me too, how you been?" Andy asked, both men moving inside so as they could get a drink and speak. 

Tom nodded. "All good - working in New York now. The wife wants to move someplace else though." He said and took a swig of the beer he'd just grabbed, passing Andy a bottle. "So...how old is your kid now? Jacob? Isn't it?" 

"Yeah." Andy replied. "He's good, fifteen so a typical teenager. How's yours?" 

"Mine are eight and six, both girls so I spend my weekends getting butterfly clips put into my hair and being made to watch Frozen a thousand times." Tom rolled his eyes. "You're luck you've just got the one, and he's outta that kid phase." 

Andy snorted. "Yeah, sometimes I wish he was back to being five again or something. Time just goes quick." 

Tom swallowed the mouthful of beer. "Damn right it does. I mean, look at all of us, going grey, some of us losing hair - gotta enjoy it while it lasts." 

Andy smiled and sipped his beer, looking around at the turnout. He recognised a few faces. Kevin, Amy, Sam...seemed like practically everyone had RSVP'd with 'Yes'. 
People were in their friend groups, or with people who they'd shared a house or dorm with, the drinks were flowing and already it was looking to be a good night. 

His eyes continued scanning until he stopped dead, now staring at the woman who was engaged in a conversation with another woman, a glass of wine in her hand. Her dress complimented her slim figure, hair falling in loose waves that cascaded down her back. 


At that moment she suddenly looked over and her face fell while her eyes met his. 


"Be back in a moment." Andy turned to Tom, however when he'd turned back - she had gone. 

He looked around, then seeing her making for the doors and heading outside. 

Immediately he was after her, walking outside and looking around until finally he caught sight of a figure standing by the fountain. 

Slowly, Andy approached until he finally came to a stop behind her. 


Daddy Issues (Andy Barber x OC)Where stories live. Discover now