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Isla had already fallen asleep about half hour into the film that she was watching with Andy and Jacob. Her head was leant against her father's shoulder as she had kept snuggled against him since they'd sat down.

Jake was lounging in the armchair and also looking rather tired.

"Hey bud...you wanna head to bed?" Andy asked, looking at his watch.


Jacob yawned. "Yeah, s'pose I'd better". He got up nudging Isla. "See you in the morning". He told her as she mumbled something sleepily.

"Come on sweetheart, bed". Andy said as he got up.

It had been a nice evening with his two kids just eating Thai food and watching a movie.
Isla dragged herself up and gave Andy a kiss on the cheek. "Night daddy".

"Night sweetheart, sleep well". He told her and watched her head upstairs.

Locking up, Andy made for bed and saw his phone light up. He laughed as he opened up the message and saw a picture of Pippa holding a bottle of wine and looking very pleased with it.

He also noted there was only half a bottle.

Are you drunk Pips? 😏

Dndiwmwoaoxj Zjxjzoakwnw no... came the drunken text back


So? 😈

Then in came the video call which he answered to the sound of her cursing. "Oh shit fuck what the hell this stupid phone!" She groaned and then saw Andy. "ANDYYYYYYYY! I didn't hear you call!"

He now smirked through the phone at her, "Pip, you called me".

"Yeah... you'd like that wouldn't you". He heard a thud and then  "ow"

"Pips...how much have you had?" 

"Not not not much at aaaaaalll...." Her face emerged onto the screen again. "Did you know, did you did you know...." He waited patiently, nodding slowly as he did. "Right now...all I want is a good lay! I don't even care who with!" 

Andy laughed. "Oh my god, Pip, go to bed, you're drunk..." 

"Duuuuuh!" Came the reply that sounded scarily like his daughter. "I mean...maybe we should just do a bit of the sex again! Lemmie...lemmie just take this off..." She pulled at her leggings and ultimately fell off the bed, taking the phone with her. 

"Pippa, are you seriously getting naked right now?" 

"Oh it's not like you haven't seen it all before Barber!" She said, grabbing the phone and coming back onto the screen again. "I mean, we literally used to have sex every fucking night at college. I mean, you got me pregnant for crying out loud! Then you ditched me and married my ex best friend!" she was now drunkenly laughing at the whole scenario until it turned into sobbing. "And I was the one who was punished for it..." 

Andy rubbed his temples. "Pip..."

"No, I'm cool, cool...she got my life and me? I got no one other than my kid...the only good thing that came outta it - and me I suppose." She now snorted at her own joke as she calmed down. "I need more wine..."

"No you don't." He quickly stopped her. "I want you to lay down and go to sleep". 

She shook her head. "I'm not tired". 

"Well I'm gonna carry on talking to you until you are, and you're a little bit more sober". 

By now Pippa had flopped onto her front on the bed and propped the phone up against the headboard. "You still have a nice face, you know that?" 

Daddy Issues (Andy Barber x OC)Where stories live. Discover now