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A Few Months Later

"You got everything packed?" Andy leant against the doorframe to Isla's room as she sat in a sea of clothes and boxes on the floor, looking a little defeated. 

She shook her head. "No..." 

He came into the room and got down with her. "You alright La-la?" Seeing her face crumple a little. "Hey, c'mere". He held her close as she sobbed into his t-shirt, soothing her by stroking her hair. "It's a big thing..." He told her gently, "Going somewhere new, meeting people you've never met...but you'll be ok".

"Am I doing the right thing?" She sniffed and huddled closer to him, feeling more vulnerable than she had done so far in her life. 

"You're starting the next stage of your life, of course you are". 

Tomorrow he would be helping his daughter move into her new room at college, and even he could feel the pang in his heart. He'd become used to a full house, the bickering between his children, constantly telling them to turn the music down. No doubt he'd shed a tear tomorrow when he would have to leave Isla behind. But she had everything that would ensure her a good career in the law industry. Her grades had been incredible and he couldn't have been anymore proud of her. 

"Did you and Mom feel like this?" Isla now asked, finally pulling away and hugging her knees. "What if I don't make any new friends?" 

"C'mon you really think that people won't wanna be your friend? You're the most sociable outta all of us".  As Andy looked at his daughter now, he could see so much Pippa in her. He smiled lightly at her. "You're gonna do great, your Mom and I are always here if you need anything". 

Isla looked at him, "I guess I'm just scared I'll let you guys down". 

"Sweetheart, you could never disappoint us - even if you feel like you have. Sometimes you'll feel like your behind, other times you'll feel ahead. It's just how it goes. Law's a complicated thing, I'm not gonna lie - your Mom and I had our moments doubting ourselves and no doubt so will you - but you'll get through it, just as we did". 

"And what if I don't? What if I completely bomb?" 

"Then it's your sign to do something better, but I know that you won't. You're a smart kid - use that to your advantage. If not in Law, then something else? It's your life, it's not for me or your Mom to decide how you live it. Just enjoy these years while you can, because you'll never get them back". 

Isla now looked at him. "Do you regret any of it?" 

"Only that I let your Mom and you go back then. That's the only regret I have". 

"But you got us back? You don't have to feel like that anymore". 

He shook his head. "I missed everything, it's not something I can easily forgive myself for". 

"Well I forgive you, and I know Mom obviously does. Wouldn't be sat here now in a sea of my clothes otherwise!" She let out a half laugh half sob. Andy brushed a few stray tears away from her eyes, "Can you help me decide what to take?" 

"I'm probably not the right person to ask for fashion advise" He smirked, "But I'll give it my best shot, when your Mom's back from the store than she can help too". Getting to his feet he put his hands on his hips and inspected the clothes explosion. "Alright, so what do we have here?" 

"Other than a fucking mess?" Isla replied and then saw Andy shoot her a look, "I know, I know, "language!"" She rolled her eyes, knowing her father always scolded her and Jake if ever they cursed. 

Pippa now yelled up the stairs that she was back and appeared in the doorway soon after. "So I...ok what the hell have you two been doing? It's like a bomb site in here!" Her eyes went from her daughter to her husband. 

"She can't decide what to pack, this is your area of expertise, not mine". Andy threw up his hands. 

Pippa passed the grocery bag to him. "You can work on dinner while I help Isla". 

Andy kissed her gently and headed downstairs while his wife helped to restore peace to their daughter's room. 

"I can't believe she's leaving tomorrow..." Pippa said quietly as she and Andy lay in bed together later that evening, his hand toying with a lock of her hair. "I haven't been separated from her ever..."

"I know..." He stared at the ceiling. "We've gotta let her go though, she's just as nervous as we are about it". 

Pippa shifted into a more comfortable position next to him. "What if it's not what she thinks it'll be". 

"Then we'll bring her home and decide what to do from there. We need to let her make her own decisions." Andy felt her nod against his chest. "She'll be ok, remember our first week at college? She'll make friends and settle. Chances are she'll forget to call when we want her to, but she's only an hour away. It's not too long if she wants to come home".  

He looked down at her. "We've gotta let her go Pip..." 

"I know...I just can't believe that it's now time to". 

"She's always going to be our little girl, that doesn't change". 


Isla looked at the picture of her teenage parents back when they'd been in college. The only picture she'd had of them over the years. Even though it was a little dog eared and had some where and tear from where she'd always carried it around, it now was safe behind the glass of a photo frame that she'd put it in - not wanting it to be ruined or lost while she was at college. Setting it onto the table next to her bed. 

"Ok, that's the last of it..." Andy put the box of Isla's stuff down at the end of the bed in the room that was to be hers for the first year of her college life. 

Isla looked at her parents and smiled weakly on seeing Pippa now dab her eyes at having to say goodbye. "Mom, it's ok" She said and hugged her tightly. "I'll call you tonight to let you know I'm alright". 

Pippa brushed her tears away. "I know baby, It's just I've had you for so long and now I'm letting you go". She let go of her and smiled, "Just enjoy yourself, I know you will". 

Isla nodded and gave her Mom one last hug before moving onto Jacob. "Just for the record, I'm having your room now". He smirked. 

"Set one foot in my room and die". Isla smirked and hugged him. "Text me ok?" 

"I will Sis". He said and pulled away from her. 

Pippa looked to Jacob and nodded at him to go with her to the car, so as Andy could have a chance to say goodbye to Isla alone. "We'll be in the car" She told him and then looked to Isla, "Love you baby", before heading outside with Jacob. 

"You wanna come home at any time, you call me and I'll come pick you up. I promise". Andy told his daughter gently as he turned and kissed her goodbye. "Love you sweetheart, and remember what I told you last night". 

"I will", Isla nodded and let go of him, trying not to get upset in front of him again. "Love you too". 

"You're gonna crush it, trust me" He winked, "I'll see you soon gorgeous girl". Andy kissed her again, not wanting to let her go, but he had to.

Isla now smiled at him as he released his hold on her, something that reminded him of just how Pippa had first smiled at him when they had first met all those years ago. His daughter was silently telling him that everything was ok, and so was she. Still, it wouldn't stop him from feeling all the emotions later on when he got home and would most likely go and sit in her room to reflect on just how things had turned out for them. 

He'd miss her, but he couldn't keep a firm hold on her forever. As he'd told his wife the previous evening. Isla Marianne would always be his little girl, no matter what. 

Her parting words to him only confirmed this. 

"Goodbye Daddy". 

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