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Pippa sat exhausted in her room, crying and at her lowest as Isla continued to wail in her arms. She'd tried everything, feeding her, rocking her, but still the baby continued to cry and cry. There was a knock at the door, and now she had a feeling that some of the women in the refuge had complained about the noise.

She opened it and Ruth stood there, seeing her face. Pippa burst into tears again. The older woman walked in and closed the door. "I don't know what to do!" she shook her head and looked desperately at Ruth. "She won't stop crying! She hates me!"

Ruth took the baby from her and set her across her lap in a certain way, beginning to soothe the newborn. Pippa watched as Isla calmed and then brought up a little bit of milk as she burped. "Trapped wind, you can burp them all you like but sometimes it's not enough..." She smiled at the young girl gently. "There we go...that's why she was protesting."

Pippa sat on her bed and felt the guilt wash over her. "I can't do this...she's better off with someone else...I couldn't even help her just then!"

"No she's not young lady and you can get those thoughts out of your head right now." Ruth scolded in the usual gentle tone. "Your hormones are all over the place, it's a first baby and everyone like you has their struggles and downs about it all. Babies don't come with instructions unfortunately, we all have to learn in our own way."  She brought Isla over to Pippa. "Here, if she does it again, hold her like this and gently pat her back like this." She showed her how to do it.

"I'm sorry if she woke everyone up."

Ruth brushed this off. "She hasn't. We were worried about you, so I thought I would come and see if you wanted help. You shouldn't be afraid to ask Pippa...there's more than enough people here to support you."

Pippa turned Isla round and put her in her arms again. Two weeks she'd only had her for, and already she felt like a complete failure to her daughter. "I have to go and see Andy...perhaps if he sees Isla then maybe things can change. He might want her..."

"Is that the father?" Ruth asked and saw the girl nod. "Do you know where he is?"

"I have a friend who does. I can ask him." If anyone knew where Andy now was, then it would probably be Tom. Pippa would just have to keep quiet about the reason if he asked, but she doubted it. "I just want him to know that I wasn't lying. I never would - not to him. Perhaps then everything would be ok..." her voice went quiet

Ruth looked at her. "You're a good mom Pippa, even though you may not feel it. It's early days and if I'm honest? You've got the baby blues."

Pippa looked down at the now sleeping Isla in her arms. "I didn't want this, not for her. How am I supposed to afford anything? I can't get a job because I don't have anyone."

"You have me and the other women, I'll be happy to have her if you find a job. I really don't mind, she's a sweet little thing."

"You would?"

"Course I would - unfortunately motherhood isn't a walk in the park - every woman under this roof has their struggles. You want to do what's best for her and I will try and help in any way I can."


Pippa hadn't really spoken during the drive to Newton, her focus on the navigation system. Isla was on her phone, just like she had been all week. She'd been texting Andy the night before and was probably doing the same now. There was a ping and Pippa caught a glance of Andy's name and picture appear on her daughter's screen.

"What's your dad say?" She asked, eyes back on the road.

"Just that he can't wait to see us". Isla replied, messaging back. "He also says to tell you to stop being a grump."

"What!" Pippa said, taking her eyes from the road to look at her daughter and then back on it again. "What the hell did you tell him?"

Isla shrugged with a small smile. "Just that you've been a moody bitch all week and aren't really talking now."

"Isla Marianne Barber! What did you just say!"

"You heard." Isla grinned. "But it's true, you haven't said anything since we got in the car."

"Because I'm concentrating on driving!"

Isla laughed. "But yeah, dad says - and I quote - "Tell her from me to stop being a grump, I'm gracing her with my presence today and that should be enough to cheer her up. Always worked back in the day.""

"Well you can tell your dad that I'm not a grump and that I have things on my mind. Since when did he even see me in a grumpy state back in college?"

Isla texted it and then moments later a reply came back. "He says 'finals' oh and there's an emoji with a tongue sticking out." She smirked and quickly showed her mother the message.

"I'm gonna kill you Barber..." Pippa muttered to herself and shook her head. "You are your father's daughter, y'know that? You seem to have gained his stubbornness and tactics when it comes to pressing questions also. You considered going into law?" She asked jokingly.

"Well...I know we talked about something like that before and stuff - dad mentioned last week about perhaps doing what you did, legal secretary or something like that? It pays well and although I love dancing...I know it'll be harder to get a job in that area..."

Pippa sighed. "Isla...you don't have to do that just because I never did."

"No...but the more I discussed about things with dad and from what you told me? It sounds pretty interesting actually."

"Well...whatever you decide to do is your choice, not your dads or mine. But we'll support you obviously."

"Isla continued to tap away on her phone. "I know, I need to think about it more - but I do know what whatever I do, I wanna go to the same college that you and dad did."

Pippa turned off at the exit to Newton. "Ok...well I will obviously talk to your dad about it and see what we come up with."

The neighbourhood where Andy and Jacob lived was a nice and quiet one. Isla stared out the window at the houses. "Woah...this is nicer than where we live."

Pippa stifled a laugh. "Yes, well your dad is on better money than I am so that's a no brainer." She scanned the street as she slowed down a little to try and find the house number that she was looking for. "There it is." And pulled into the driveway.

Isla got out of the car and then saw Andy in the doorway. "Dad!" and was by his side in moments, giving him a tight hug.

"Hello sweetheart." He gave her a kiss and hugged her more. "Your mom cheered up yet?" he asked quietly as Pippa came onto the porch and gave him a look.

"I have not been grumpy". She insisted as he gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "You two are always going to side with one another aren't you?"

Andy chuckled. "Unfortunately for you, that's probably gonna happen. You alright though?"

"I'm fine. Had some things on my mind lately." She said. "Nothing new."

He frowned. "You sure?" She nodded. "Ok - well you ready to meet Jake?" Andy turned and asked Isla.

She let out a deep breath. "Yeah...does he still wanna meet me?"

"Course he does." and closed the front door behind them, going to the end of the stairs. "Jake!"

Pippa cast a sideways glance to her daughter who was nervously fiddling with her hands. She put a hand on her shoulder and winked at her.

A tall and slim dark haired boy came down the stairs, Pippa noting that he looked very much like Laurie, but that was going to be obvious. He now smiled at them while Andy made the introductions.

"Jake, this is your sister Isla...Isla, this is your brother Jacob..."

Daddy Issues (Andy Barber x OC)Where stories live. Discover now