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Pippa closed her eyes and inhaled as she heard his voice for the first time in years.
Her hands shook as she tried to keep it together, and swallowed the ever growing lump that was in her throat.
She hadn't expected him to be here, and if he was here then it would mean that Laurie would be as well.

And she was the last person that Pippa wanted to see.

She could do this. She could show them that she was strong and doing just fine. "Andy..." finally she turned around and saw him.

My god, he'd aged better than she had expected, and her heart was all but ready to shatter all over again.

"You look...good..."

The biggest lie if she'd ever told one. He didn't just look good, he looked gorgeous. It was like looking at him for the first time all over again.

"You just look..." he shook his head, "amazing..." She really did, then again he'd always thought that she had been perfect

She nodded. "A rare night out. I don't usually get many." And shifted slightly, "I didn't think you'd be here tonight. I mean, after what happened..."

He looked at her, pained. "Pip...I'm sorry, for everything, the way I spoke to you, for not hearing you out about why you did it..."

Pippa looked away. "You never even gave me a chance to explain. The way you looked at me? It was pure hatred."

"I know...I know and I was a complete asshole, but I was hurt that you never came to me and told me."

"Because you would've gone mad at me anyway! If I had told you that I was pregnant then you'd have only said that it would ruin your career, our lives, we wouldn't have coped! We were both so young!"

He looked at her as though she was mad. "What! No I wouldn't have! I'd have supported you through everything! Jesus Christ I was going to propose to you before graduation!"

Her face fell more. "What?" Her voice was quiet.

"I was gonna propose...but then you went and aborted our child without even fucking telling me that you were pregnant! I'd have been there Pip! I'd have still gone through with the plan regardless!"

"No you wouldn't have! Laurie said you would have completely freaked out and..."

He stopped her. "WHAT!" 

Wait, had he heard that right?

"Laurie. She told me that you'd freak out, that by keeping the baby? We'd just be torn apart anyway. It was a better option for us both, so that we could just carry on and have our life together like we wanted. She went with me to the clinic and told me that she'd meet me back at campus because she wasn't allowed in with me, then she goes to you and tells you about it! And you never even gave me a chance to hear me out."

"What the fuck! She came and told me it was your decision because you were the one to think it would ruin us! She told me that you were scared to tell me and weren't planning to!"

Pippa stared at him as they then both began to piece together what had happened. "Where is she tonight?"

"At her sisters with Jacob..."

"Your son, yes...he must be, what? 15 by now?" Andy nodded. "I came to you when she was only just pregnant, I wanted to get back in contact and gave her my number to give to you. She sent me away, telling me that you were happy, you had a life - and I accepted that you'd moved on..."

She'd tried to see him? Andy was becoming more stumped by the revelations and more angry. 

And they all led back to his wife.

Daddy Issues (Andy Barber x OC)Where stories live. Discover now