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"She's struck a plea deal". Duffy said to Andy down the line some weeks later. "For a shorter sentence she admits to attempted manslaughter".

"You've gotta be shitting me". Andy growled, not quite believing what he was hearing. It was news that he didn't want receive, or that anyone in his situation would. "She tried to kill my fiancée! It's attempted murder for sure!"

"It's outta my hands Andy, I'm sorry". Duffy apologised. "But I needed you and Joanna to be made aware of just what's happening". It was cases like this that made her question the justice system. 

Andy ran a hand down his face, "yeah ok...thanks Pam..."

Duffy's voice was softer now, "even with this development, she'll still be locked up for a good while, just not as long as we'd like her to be".

"I know, I'm just worried about how Pippa's gonna feel about all of it. She's been doing great lately, this could just take her right back to where she started again - I mean we're almost near to the trial. Did I tell you she walked the other day without any aid?"

It had been a turning point. She couldn't go very far but she was able to move around the house a little more freely now and without any aid. It simply took a little longer.

"That's brilliant, see, she's a fighter".

"Damn right she is". He paused, "I'm wondering whether it would be best for us to pack up and leave".

"You wanna get out of Newton?" Duffy asked, sounding a little surprised.

Andy sighed. "I don't know, it's just something I've been thinking about a hell of a lot lately. The house still holds reminders of Laurie, and I don't want that for Pip. I want somewhere for us to make and call our own with the kids. Isla's off to college soon, Jake is gonna graduate next year. Thing is I don't wanna put too much on the pair of them".

"You need to do what you think is right for everyone, you spoke to Pippa about it?"

"Not yet..." In truth he'd been putting it off. 

Duffy interrupted him. "Then you need to, have you even set started planning your wedding yet?" 

"Laurie kinda stopped that one for a while. Now Pip's a little more mobile we can probably set a date and think about it". 

"You guys have got a lot to sort out then, but once everything is over then perhaps you'll know for sure what you wanna do, but you're gonna have to talk to her about it". 

Andy noted the door opening out of the corner of his eye and saw Pippa bringing him a cup of coffee. "Anyway I'd better go, thanks for the update". 

"Wish Pippa better for me, talk soon". Duffy told him and rung off. 

He got up and took the coffee from her, giving her a kiss. "You didn't have to make me one sweetheart". 

Pippa shrugged. "I wanted to, who was that?" She asked, having heard him in deep conversation as she'd neared the office door. 

Andy helped her to sit down on is chair and then crouched in front of her, taking her hands in his. "That was Duffy. She just told me that Laurie's taken a plea deal". Only then did he see the blood drain from her face. "It happens, unfortunately she was offered a shorter sentence if she pled guilty to attempted manslaughter. So she took it". 

"This means she could be out sooner...she's going to come back..." 

"Sweetheart, by the time she gets out she won't be able to come back for us". He kissed her knuckles. "But it's only made me think harder about us leaving Newton". 

Pippa looked at him, the tears were threatening to fall but she was trying to be strong and not let the news make her crumble. "You've been thinking that we should move?" Her voice cracked slightly, and she cleared her throat. 

He nodded, "I can tell this place still reminds you of Laurie, and to be honest I'm more than ready to leave this part behind and start over with you and kids elsewhere. New marriage, new home, new state. We need somewhere that's ours" 

She looked at him and nodded, a silent tear sliding down her cheek. 

He was right. Echoes of Laurie still haunted this place and she'd never feel that she could move on unless they laid foundations elsewhere. 

Somewhere that they could both call home. 

Andy leant up and kissed her. "Don't cry Pip, it's almost over..." 

She shook her head. "It'll never be over, not in my mind anyway. But getting away from here is something I fully agree with you on". 

The sooner the better. 

"Then I guess we'd better decide where we wanna go and start house hunting then".

Daddy Issues (Andy Barber x OC)Where stories live. Discover now