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"I really don't want you to go." Isla said as she hugged Andy goodbye later that afternoon. As much as he was aching at leaving her, he needed to get back for Jacob. They'd taken some pictures on their phones so now his daughter had a picture of both of them set on there, no longer having just the old one of her parents in college.

"I'll be back soon, I promise." He said, giving her a kiss on her hair.

"Tell Jacob I really wanna meet him? Like...about to burst desperate." She told him and followed him down the driveway to the car.

Andy smiled, "I'll be sure to tell him. Don't forget you can shoot me a message or call me anytime ok? Don't feel like you can't - I'm always at the other end of the phone." His eyes went to Pippa. "That goes for you too."

She nodded, putting an arm around their daughter. "Be safe."

"I will, I'll be in touch." He said to her and got into the car.

Isla broke away from Pippa and quickly ran to the window. He rolled it down. "I forgot to tell you something." She said, "I love you dad."

"Love you more sweetheart. I'll see you soon." He told her and gave Pippa a wave goodbye. She returned it as Isla rejoined her side and both of them watched him drive away.

Pippa glanced to Isla and noticed a small tear slide down her cheek. "Isla?"

"I don't want him to go..." She sniffed and rubbed her eyes. "I want him to stay..."

"Isla, your dad's just an hour away, he'll be back. Come on, let's get you inside - it's been an emotional day for us all"

Leading her daughter back into the house, Pippa sat her down and then looked at her. "I didn't want him to go either baby, but you have a brother who he needs to get back to. Once you've met Jacob and if all goes well, then perhaps your dad will let you stay with him on the weekends like we discussed earlier?"

They had began the process of discussing arrangements to co parent, With Andy suggesting that Isla spent the weekends with him in Newton. Pippa had said that they should wait to see whether Jacob would feel comfortable with it. Andy would speak with him when he was back home and then they'd go from there - but it seemed likely that it would happen. He'd also wanted to give her at least something in terms of child maintenance payments, but Pippa had refused.

"I didn't do this to take your money Andy. We've been coping fine."

He hadn't backed down though. Pippa may have been in a better place and job than she was five years before, but she was still struggling in terms of bills. Isla had confided that to him when she'd gone out of the room and he'd asked how she was getting on. Now he'd agreed to give Pippa a certain amount each month for Isla and anything that she needed - after all, the amount he owed her anyway after sixteen years was high.

"How do you feel?" Isla now asked her.

Pippa knew she couldn't avoid the question, especially after what Andy had said earlier about falling for her when he'd first saw her. "I don't know..."

"I think dad still loves you mom - even if he was married to that woman that was your friend. He was staring at you earlier."

"Was he?" Pippa asked, feigning ignorance as she tidied up.

"Do you think you'd get back together? If he asked?"

"Isla..." She stopped and sighed. "That's enough. Your dad and I have an understanding now. He's getting a divorce, do you honestly think that getting together with me is on his mind?" she paused. "You are our focus, and also Jacob too. Nothing else."

Daddy Issues (Andy Barber x OC)Where stories live. Discover now