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Andy walked back with Pippa to the halls of residence that she resided in, after meeting at a local diner - finally plucking up the courage to ask her out earlier that afternoon. 

"Do you fancy grabbing a bite sometime? Talk about law - I'm lying by the way, that's the last thing I'd wanna talk about." He'd said, mentally kicking himself for sounding like an idiot already. 

Pippa smiled at him. "I'd like that." 

"When you free?" 

She pretended to think for a moment. "How about tonight?" 

He couldn't believe that she'd said yes, let alone suggested going out that night. They hadn't stopped talking though and conversation flowed with ease. They'd laughed a hell of a lot and even now as they stopped outside the steps that led up to the building, they were still laughing over something he'd said earlier.

"I really had good time tonight." She said, eyes sparkling as they fell on him. 

"Me too, do you - er - wanna get some lunch tomorrow? If you're free that is?" He now asked, really wanting to see her again. 

She nodded. "My lecture finishes around 12.45. That good?" 

"I finish at 1pm. Do you wanna meet by the fountain outside of the gym?" 

"I'll be there," Her smile dazzled him, butterflies rising in her tummy as he took her hand and kissed the top of it. "Goodnight Andy..." 

He watched her walk up the steps and open the door. "Goodnight...Pip." 

Pippa turned and gave him a shy wave and then walked in, getting back to her room. No sooner had she shut the door, she silently squealed to herself with excitement. Her cheeks sore from all the smiling she'd done. 

There was a knock at the door and she opened it, seeing Laurie standing there with a grin on her face. "Soooo how was it?" Sit he asked walking in and looking intrigued. 

"Andy's reeeeeally nice..." Pippa sighed happily. "We just didn't stop talking, that and he's cute as well...we're meeting tomorrow for lunch." 

Laurie laughed. "You seriously look like you're in love already." 

She nodded. "I think I have been since I first spoke to him, he's just...different to other guys. That and he's smart." 

"Do you think anything will happen? Does it seem like he likes you back?" 

"I hope so, well it does seem like he does - he kissed my hand as he said goodnight to me!" Pippa gushed and hid her red cheeks. "He's just such a gentleman..." 

Laurie laughed. "Ok, you are totally falling for him. When can I meet him? I wanna see if he's good enough for you." 

Pippa shrugged. "If things go ok tomorrow and he wants to see me again, then perhaps I shall let you meet him." and grinned as she fell back onto her bed, staring at the ceiling. 

She'd be dreaming of Andy Barber that night. 


Andy walked out with Pippa to the parking lot where she was now getting ready to leave. He'd decided to spend another night away from Newton, and had finally come to a decision It was one that was needed. 

Laurie could not worm her way out of this one, that was for sure. 

He and Pippa had spent that morning trying to work out the best course of action for them, however nothing could be done until he was back in Newton and had spoken with Laurie. Either way, the pair would keep in contact, and now Isla had his number in case she needed to call him for anything. 
The conversation with his daughter had been very bittersweet. She had been so excited to hear from him and his heart swelled every time she called him 'dad' throughout the whole thing. There was still so much to talk about though and he was sure that now after speaking to one another, meeting each other wouldn't be as daunting as it could be. 

Andy simply couldn't wait to hold her when he finally met her. That was something that was yet to be arranged.

"Are you sure you're gonna be okay?" Pippa now asked, closing the trunk of her car and turning to him. 

"I'll be fine. I have your number and you have mine. After tomorrow I'll let you know what's happening, and of Isla wants to call me? She's free to." He smiled and then with a quiet 'C'mere...' he embraced her tightly, closing his eyes as the same feelings held long ago emerged again. "You drive safe ok." 

She nodded. "You too, I'll speak to you soon." and gave him a kiss on his cheek before getting in the car. 

He waved her off and returned back inside the hotel to his room, scrolling down to a number on his phone and calling it. "Hey Joanna...sorry to catch you like this on a weekend, but are you around tomorrow?" He asked as Joanna Klein answered her phone. 

"Luckily for you I'm in the office all day. Why?" 

"I need your help in drawing up divorce papers...I'll explain everything tomorrow but I need it done, and I need it done quick." 

Joanna was silent for a moment and then sounded a little taken aback. "Ok...right, well yes I'm in from 8 am, so just swing by and we can have a chat." 

"Thanks. Like I said, I'll explain tomorrow." 

"I'm gathering I won't like what I'm going to hear." 

"I'll let you be the judge of that." He told her. "See you tomorrow." and the pair rang off. Now he needed to call Lynn, and tried a few times before finally getting through to her. "Lynn, sorry to call on a Sunday but I've had a family emergency, any possibility you can get someone to cover for me in court if I send you the papers and case notes over on email?" 

Lynn didn't seem to have a problem with this but sounded concerned. "Oh god, yes of course, everything ok?" 

"Not really, but I'll be back on Tuesday." 

"Of course, let me know if you need to take another day, hope everything is alright." 

He sighed. "Yeah...me too..." 

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