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Pippa glanced over at her phone that lit up late the next evening as she sat in bed watching TV.


The name popped up, and she stared at the screen for a few moments before sliding the bar across to answer the call.

"Hey." She said.

"Hey..."  The butterflies began to flap manically in her stomach as she heard his voice. "Can we talk?"

Pippa sat back against the pillows. "Sure..."

"About what happened the other night..." he began, "with us..."

She swallowed, "if you're about to tell me it was a mistake..."

He cut her off, "what? No! No I'd never think that, I guess I just need to know where we really stand with one another Pip".

"I think we know how we feel Andy. The other night clarified that."

There was silence on his end for a moment. "So where do we go from here?"

Pippa shifted further down under the covers. "It's delicate - we have to think about Jake and Isla." Well her daughter already knew about what had happened, but whether she'd blabbed to Jacob was beyond her.

"I know...things are still very much up in the air over here, Joanna and I are waiting to hear about the court date for the divorce". He sighed, "I can't wait for this all to be over so I can just get on with the rest of my life".

"and it will come around- you just need to think about Jacob..."

Andy swallowed, "it's you that I need." He admitted.

She bit her lip, "Andy, you have me".

"Not yet I don't, not in the way I want anyway".

Her heart skipped. "Perhaps it's best to be discreet for now, especially as you're going to be taking Laurie to court, I'm thinking about Jake more than anything - I know he's still divided by it all". She had to let him know flat out about how she felt. "I want to be with you Andy - although I think you know that anyway...but we both know that we need to really wait until after the divorce is finalised. We can't have it impacting on anything".

"We've waited this long, what's another month or so". He sighed again, "If she hadn't fucked this for us then we'd be married and would probably have at least four kids by now." A small chuckle escaped him at the thought. He would've loved more kids but he had accepted that Laurie had wanted no more after Jacob.

He was content with his son and daughter though. At least he was lucky to have one of each, even if he'd missed so much of Isla's childhood.

Pippa smiled. "I'd have loved more...ok I may not have thought that when I had Isla screaming my ears off at 2am, but it would've been nice. I'm just glad she has Jacob now and how well they get along".

"Yeah...me too..." Andy agreed softly. "I should let you go, it's getting late..."

"Don't." She stopped him, "talk to me more? Remember when we used to stay up and talk on the phone until one of us fell asleep?"

His low laugh came down the line, "usually it was you, was I really that boring?"

"You were my comfort blanket, if that makes sense? With you I just felt safe, not bored". Pippa laughed, already feeling tired as she turned the TV off to give the conversation her full attention. "The other night? It was the first night in years that I found I was able to sleep well".

"It was the second that tired you out, admit it". He jested.

"Ok, probably that too, but I was with you."

"Just like I wish you were now..."

Pippa closed her eyes, flashbacks of the other night filtering through her mind. His hands all over her body, mouth on hers, the feeling of him inside her...

"So do I..."

"God, the things I'd do to you if you were here..."

She bit her lip, "tell me...please..." it sounded as though she was pleading but she didn't care.

Andy let out a small 'hmmm' before then telling her. "Well first I'd have you spread out underneath me...kissing every part of you that's in my sight" his voice was low.

"What else would you do?"

"I'd have you everywhere, in the shower, on the bed, the couch, the damn kitchen counter if needs be, I don't give a fuck".

"The kitchen counter is certainly a place to consider."

"Guess we're just gonna have to put it to the test and see if it lives up to expectations, aren't we?" Andy now suggested playfully.

Pippa smirked to herself. "Yes, I think we may just have to".

"Still such a fucking tease, whatever am I gonna do with you?" A small laugh escaped him.

"Anything you want Barber..."

Now that set him off. Pippa was still the same as she had been all those years ago, and now the love struck teenager inside of him was reappearing again, just as it was for her through playful words and seductive threats.

"Well then, that's something I'm going to have to hold you to isn't it?"

Daddy Issues (Andy Barber x OC)Where stories live. Discover now