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As much as he didn't want to go back to work, Andy knew that he had to. With Isla being homeschooled for the foreseeable and spring break over, he spent his days juggling work and then going straight from work to see Pippa. The kids would also go and then it was back home, dinner, bed and anything else such as laundry and tidying that needed doing.
It was too quiet for his liking, Pippas presence being missed after he'd become so used to it.

Lynn had been very accommodating and had allowed him to work from home so as he could be around for the kids. It helped him a lot. But it was still a bit of a struggle to balance everything.
Andy was just thankful the kids were teens and not younger, at least he was safe in the knowledge that they could do things for themselves and had been trying to help him out as best as they could.

"You're doing too much..." Pippa noted one afternoon as he sat beside her. He looked tired in all honesty and she was worrying. She wished that she could do more but her mobility was a little limited - however progress was being made. "Have you heard anything more from Joanna?"

He nodded, "she called me this morning, full custody of Jake has been granted and the judge has ruled in my favour, so I just need the paperwork through and then that's it, the divorce is pretty much finalised and finally I can get Laurie out of my life".

There would be a trial as to what happened regarding the hit and run, currently they were going for attempted murder, but Joanna had said that it could end up as attempted manslaughter as part of a plea deal.
Andy just wanted his ex wife in jail, she'd already caused enough pain to them. He was ready to spend the rest of his life with the woman who should have deserved to spend all of it with him.

"I'm sorry..."

He looked at her a little pained, lately she'd been feeling guilty and stressed that she couldn't be there for him, that he had to do everything. "Sweetheart, it's not your fault, you've been through so much shit because of her". He could feel himself getting emotional at the thought. He wanted to give her everything and more to make up for everything she'd been through.

"Andy..." now she became upset as he kissed her, "come on, let's not get upset - I'm still here".

"She could've taken you from me! I mean what the fuck!" The anger inside him rose once more, "she was prepared to kill you Pip! Prepared to leave our daughter without you!"

"But she didn't!" Pippa urged, "Andy, she's going to serve time for this, I'm here, ok I'm a little broken but I'm getting better, and I'll be back on my feet and home with you before you know it".

Andy brushed some hair from her face, "I don't deserve you, not after all this, I can't even protect you".

She ran a hand down his face, "we're not kids anymore, I don't need protecting, all I need is you. All I've ever wanted is you, even if I knew you belonged to someone else. I never stopped loving you, I never will and you know that".

He pressed his lips to her knuckles, and then opened the drawer that was by the bed, Pippa's personal belongings in there. He took the engagement ring that had been meant for her and held out her hand. "Pip, we're gonna get you better, and when we do - I'm gonna do what I should've years ago...I'm gonna marry you".

Pippa looked at him, "so ask me?"

"Pippa...will you marry me?" He asked.

She nodded, "A thousand times, yes", and watched him slip the ring on her finger.

It should have happened years ago, but it was never to late, at least not for them...


A/N - sorry it's a bit of a short chapter, but I think it was needed 😉

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