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"Where's Mom?" Isla asked, taking her air buds from her ears while she sat on the sofa, typing on her laptop.
Andy had just exited the kitchen after grabbing his third coffee of the day. The meeting with Lynn had been a long one about new case that he was taking on, so now he was running on empty.

"In the garden reading, I've just checked up on her". He confirmed and perched on the arm of the sofa. "We need to talk about something".

Isla groaned, "If this is a conversation about boys..."

Andy smirked. "It's not, it's about what you said at breakfast this morning - do you really believe what Laurie said was true? That you're a mistake?"

She shrugged. "Well, I was wasn't I? I mean...Mom was all prepared to get rid of me, you freaked out that she had...I started all this".

"But that doesn't mean to say you were an accident. If things had been different then your mom and I would've been married and brought you up together. We wouldn't have regretted anything, and we don't now, even after all we've been through. You're our daughter and we love you no matter what".

Isla nodded. "Dad...why did you marry Laurie?"

He sighed and stared into his lap. "I thought I loved her and could move on, especially when we found out we were having Jake". He looked at her. "She got into our heads, just as she got into yours by saying what she did when she came here. You need to forget about it because you know none of it is true".

Isla shuffled over and hugged him, feeling him kiss her hair. "I love you sweetheart, you know that".

He felt her nod. "Love you too daddy".

Pulling away from her, he smiled. "Tell you what, why don't you look up somewhere we can go for vacation. It may cheer your mom up and give her something to look forward to. I think we could all use it".

"Is this my super secret task?"

"Sure is, you can tell your brother though, come back to me with ideas".

"Sweet!" She pulled out her phone and text Jacob. Dad's tasking us with finding somewhere for vacation, where shall we go doofus? Oh and we can't tell my mom.

Andy smirked and got up. "I've gotta get back to work, okay - let me know if mom needs help with anything".

"I will." Isla nodded and returned back to her assignment whilst he headed upstairs to his office.


Andy was busy reading through case notes a few hours later when he heard Isla calling for him from the bottom of the stairs. "Daaaaaaaaaaaaad!"

Jumping up he made for the landing and looked down at her. "What's up sweetheart?"

"There's some people at the door who wanna talk to you". She frowned as he came down the stairs to see an older man and a woman stood on the porch.

Andy stopped by the threshold and sported the exact same frown as his daughter. "Can I help you?"

"Are you Andrew?" The woman asked in a rather refined voice whilst her husband stood quietly next to her.

"Yeeeeees?" He confirmed slowly.

The couple looked at him and then the woman spoke again. "I'm sorry this is so out of blue, however we were told that our daughter lived here".

Oh shit...

"Your daughter?" He now crossed his arms knowing exactly who these people were.


Andy stepped outside onto the porch and pulled the door to, so as Isla or Pippa herself couldn't hear. "You're her parents." He stated to which they nodded.

"And you are her husband? The one who got her pregnant in college?"

"Yep, that's me". He drawled, not caring whether he was her husband yet or not. Technically he should be. "She told me you kicked her out..."

Her mother nodded and shamefully tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Regrettably yes".

"And you choose now to show up? After all these years after everything that she has been through?" Andy snapped. They hadn't cared enough to support their daughter and grandchild but chose to find her years later?

"We heard about what had happened from some friends who live around here. They asked if the woman who had been purposely run down was our daughter...well, it turned out that is what and we..."

Andy cut her mother off. "Do you really think that she wants to see you? She has been through hell, she's broken. Now isn't the time..." He turned to go back inside, but her mother grabbed his arm

"Andrew, please...we really do want to see her, and to make amends..."

Andy sighed, knowing that he wouldn't be able to get rid of them until they had a 'yes' or 'no' answer. "It's up to Pip, but don't be surprised if she doesn't roll out the welcome wagon for you". He said, "Wait here..."

Closing the door, he headed out into the garden and crouched down by Pippa's sun lounger where she was reading. "Pip...there are some people here who want to see you". He looked at her and kissed her hand.

She put her book down, wondering why he was acting a little strangely. "Who?"

"It's your parents".

Daddy Issues (Andy Barber x OC)Where stories live. Discover now