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I haven't talked to Elliot about his rut ever since it happened two days ago. I think he's been avoiding the topic as well. If I think back right now, I don't think we really did talk that much in the past two days. He's been avoiding me like I'd have some kind of disease or something.

The scent of his rut is stuck in my nose. When I figured out he was going into a rut, the scent was overwhelming. It's sweet, just like his normal scent, but there's something about the scent he emits when he's in a rut, that pulls at my wolf. Something shifted in me when I smelled his rut and I don't think I like the shift.

The school has a different atmosphere today. It's more cheerful, more exciting, more tense today. The first lacrosse match of the year is taking place tonight on the Beacon Hills High field. Everyone is stoked about the match and it's all people are talking about. I keep on hearing different outcomes from every corner on the halls. It's almost annoying how much people are talking about it.

Tyler is on the edge. I tend to keep away from him before the match, because he snaps quicker than usual. I don't want to be starting up a fight with my brother.

There are sixteen more days to the next full moon and I can't stop thinking about the possibility of transforming. My mind keeps on replaying the same nightmare that has been waking me up in the middle of the night and leaving me shaking with anxiety. The same nightmare, where my own power kills me.

Elliot hasn't been sleeping in the same bed as me ever since he lost control over his rut. It feels awful to wake up alone in a dark room without his comforting presence. My wolf has gotten so used to him lying right next to me at night. Or maybe it's me. Maybe I've gotten used to it, but I don't want to admit it to myself. I can't get attached to him, not when he's keeping secrets from me.

Someone snaps their fingers in front of my face, making my head jolt up. My eyes widen and I glance up to see who just woke me up from my deep thoughts.

"You look depressed." My eyes meet with ocean blue eyes. Maddison furrows her dark eyebrows at me, as I realize I'm sitting at my desk in an empty classroom. I wonder how long I've been sitting here and how much of lunchtime I've missed.

"Sorry." I mumble and stand up. She watches me carefully, watching every single move of muscle, every single change of expression. I feel her eyes analyzing me. I look back to her, noticing the serious expression on her face.

"What's wrong?" I ask, making Maddison frown suddenly. I furrow my eyebrows, wondering what the hell has gotten into her. Maddie glances away from me, looking to the open door of the classroom to make sure nobody is there, before she turns back to me with the same serious expression.

"We're just sitting and waiting for your orders and nothing comes out of you two." Her words are cold and I feel a shudder run down my spine. I have never really seen Maddison angry or as a threat, but right now she's boiling with anger and doesn't look so harmless. "Members are losing hope that we'll actually rebel against Frederick because you two don't do anything." She snaps at me, making me press my lips in a thin line.

Maddison's ocean blue eyes flash with anger as she narrows her eyes at me. I frown at the scolding and let my shoulders slouch slightly.

"What the hell do you want us to do, Mackenzie!? We won't wait forever." Maddison scowls at me. I feel like she threw another pile of things that are going to trouble me. I already feel like I'm suffocating under my own problems and now the rebel group of werewolves inside of the Midnight pack wants me to send them off into their death.

"I..." My voice gives in on me and my frown deepens. I don't even know what I can say to her. Should I just tell her off or should I try and calm her down? Maybe I can make a plan and get Frederick back for every single hit he gave us.

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