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Mackenzie disappears in front of my eyes, as Thomas blocks my way. His figure steps in front of me, making me momentarily halt. A loud bang echoes through the hallway as Kenzie slams her door shut. I can hear as the lock turns, telling me I won't see her again tonight.

"What did you do?" Thomas growls at me and I can see his eyes flash a wolfish yellow color. I grit my teeth in anger. "None of your damned business." I wasn't angry at him. I shouldn't have barked back at him, but I couldn't help it. I was angry at myself for letting Mackenzie think I cheated on her. I wanted to explain myself, but she didn't give me the chance.

"What did you do to my little sister?" Thomas takes a step closer to me, challenging me to snap at him again. I can see his veins bulge out, decorating his olive skin. I glance over his shoulder, seeing how Natalie glances from Mackenzie's room to me and her mate. She looks worried about the fight that is going to erupt between us any second and I don't want her to be near us when it does. She could easily get hurt.

"This is my mate bond. So butt out of it." I say in a calmer voice, but I could feel my own veins bulge out of my skin. I could hear my own heartbeat in my ears. Thomas is just making this whole situation worse than it should be.

"What's going on here?" Samantha's voice travels to us from below and I glance down to the stairs. Her figure is coming up to the second floor, with Tyler hot on her heels. Great, this doesn't look good for me. If Tyler and Thomas team up on me, I'll be lying in a pool of my own blood when they're finished with me.

"Nothing." I quickly answer, my tone sharp and angry. Thomas growls in anger, the guttural sound coming from deep inside his chest. Tyler becomes tense at the sight of his twin, his eyes narrowing when he turns to look over to me. "Doesn't look like nothing." He comments, as they come to us.

"He hurt Mackenzie." Thomas informs his twin, which makes Tyler scrunch his nose. His forest green eyes shift into his wolf's yellow ones. I press my lips into a thin line and glance from one Moore and to the other. If they attack, I'm done for.

"What did you do, Elliot?" Samantha's voice is laced with panic, as she grabs a hold of her mate's forearm to try and calm him down. Tyler only shrugs her hand off of him and glares my way again. "Nothing that would concern you. This is between me and her." I say with a steady voice, but I keep my look on Kenzie's brothers.

Thomas snarls at me and I instinctively growl back. I might be in the wrong here, but I won't let them scare me. I'm going to fix what I did on my own, not with them meddling in my business.

"What did you do?" Thomas roars at me and I can see the way Natalie flinches at his strong voice. I don't think she has ever seen him this angry and it's scaring her, because she still doesn't understand the werewolf world.

"You're scaring your mate." I point out, which makes Thomas freeze up completely. He turns to look over his shoulder at Natalie, a worried expression screwed on his face. Tyler seems to be even more pissed off because of this. He growls at me, which makes me glance over to him. I get ready if he decides to pounce on me.

Which makes me lose sight of the human girl that was shaking behind Thomas just moments ago. She lunges forward towards me, slipping past Thomas's strong arms that try to stop her from getting to me.

"You dick!" She shouts and slams her hands against my chest. I feel how my veins settle into my skin from the surprise that explodes through my whole body. It wasn't Tyler or Thomas who attacked me. It was Natalie.

She pushes me away as strongly as possible, but it only makes me take a step back. She slams her hands into my chest to try and push me back again, but her attempts are futile. She's a lot smaller than I am and there is no wolf inside of her that would help her push me away.

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