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Mackenzie is fast asleep in my arms. My right arm is wrapped around her securely, holding her to my body. I still feel tired from everything that has happened to us, but my wounds have already healed. I can feel the full moon's pull on my wolf, which keeps me awake.

I glance down to my mate. Her blond locks are splayed over the pillow we are lying on. Soft breathes escape her parted lips. They brush my neck softly, which leaves goosebumps on my skin. I sigh through my nose and lean my head down to plant a soft kiss on top of her head.

The door behind me opens. I glance over my shoulder to see who it is. Griselda walks in with a tray in her hands. Her green eyes turn to look at me and I notice the soft smile that appears on her lips when she sees her granddaughter fast asleep. Griselda walks over to the table in the corner of the room and sets the tray, filled with toast, butter and honey, on it.

"Make sure she eats. The food is going to help her survive her shift." She tells me in a hushed tone of voice, as I watch her. I nod wordlessly. Griselda's green eyes glance over to my mate that is sleeping soundly against my chest.

"She looks so much like her mother." I pick up on the sadness that is laced with her words. A frown appears on my face as I glance down at Mackenzie. I wonder how hard it is for her when she looks into a mirror.

"I'll leave you two alone." Griselda says softly. I look over to her tall figure, noticing the pain that appears on her facial expression. She desperately tries to hide it by looking to the ground, but I still notice it. Griselda heads over to the door with her head bowed down and I get this strange feeling when I look at her like this. I don't think this woman is used to having her head bowed down. It doesn't suit her.

"Griselda." I call out softly, making sure I don't wake Kenzie up. The older female looks over to me and I give her a soft smile. "She's happy to be here. You guys make her so happy, because she feels closer to her mother." I tell her. Griselda stands at the door, her eyes starting to water, but she blinks away the tears and gives me a nod. "Thank you." She whispers back to me, before her figure disappears out of the room.

I watch after her. Guilt washes over me all of a suddenly and I realize it's because I feel guilty I didn't call my family yet. They don't know if I survived, they must be so scared. I should call them and tell them I'm okay.

I glance over to Kenzie and carefully pull my arm from underneath her. It prickles with a numbing sensation and I have to shake it a couple of times to get the feeling back in my fingers. I carefully place Mackenzie on the pillow, my eyes glued to her face. Please don't wake up.

I slide from the mattress, planting my feet on the floorboards. I glance over to her as I stand up, the mattress creaking slightly. Mackenzie's eyebrows furrow slightly and panic washes over me. Don't wake up, I plead in my mind, but her facial expression soon relaxes and she lets out a quiet sigh.

I grab my shoes from beside the bed and head to the door. I close it behind me and let out the breath I was holding in. I put my shoes on in the hallway.

When I look around the hallway I realize it's the first time I'm taking everything in. When I woke up I saw Zion and Murphy watching over me and panic gripped me by my throat. Mackenzie was nowhere near me and I was scared they did something to her. I got out of bed, despite both of them telling me not to and when Murphy tried to stop me from walking out of the room, I got angry. The poor guy didn't know what was coming at him and I threw him through the open door of the room I woke up in. He landed against the door opposite of my room and to my surprise it was the room Mackenzie was in.

I glance around the hallway now. The walls are white and the ceiling has the same wooden panel pattern made in, just like in Mackenzie's room. Mine had the same pattern as well. The walls are plain, there are no pictures on them. There are two more doors down the hallway. I assume one is another bedroom and the other is a bathroom, but I don't go there to find out.

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