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It's already nine in the evening. I'm sitting in the living room with my pack, enjoying the time we can still spend together. Alec sits by my side, talking to Tyler about something that doesn't necessarily interest me. Samantha sits by Tyler's side, curled close to her mate and laughing at the newly accepted mates that are still shy around each other. Like Natalie said before, she accepted Thomas this afternoon and after his freak out, he immediately accepted her. Thomas holds Natalie over the shoulders, enjoying the fact that he isn't veining up around her anymore.

"I should've bet with someone about this!" Samantha laughs, which makes my brother scowl. "I wanted her to take her time and it looks like two weeks was enough for her." Thomas protests, shaking his head a little. It makes me laugh as well. I mean, everyone practically knew Natalie was the one who had to make a move on Thomas, since the male werewolf is too shy to make any moves on her.

"It's sweet that you accepted each other." I speak up, smiling at the two on the sofa. Natalie beams at me, enjoying how Thomas pulls her closer into his side. I can see a blush dust over Thomas's cheeks, but the content smile on his face makes my heart flutter.

All of them look so happy. Thomas's mate bond is just starting and he still has so many things to experience with Natalie. While my mate bond is probably ending in a matter of thirteen days. Twelve, if we count that this day is at its end already.

"Hey, Mack. Where's loverboy?" Thomas suddenly questions and it catches Alec's and Tyler's attention as well. They both quiet down, turning to look at me. My chest tightens with a feeling of anxiety.

Elliot left around noon and he still hasn't come back. I asked Alec to try and call him, but it went straight to voicemail.

"I don't know." I answer honestly, glancing down at my hands to avoid everyone's eyes. I can feel how Alec comfortingly puts a hand on my shoulder and squeezes it lightly. "Maybe he just went out for a ride. I mean the SUV is gone from the garage. He must've went to blow off some steam." Samantha suggest and I could thank her for the comfort right now. I glance up to them and shrug my shoulders.

Tyler's face twists into a bitter look and he glances down at his phone, as if he'd be checking if Elliot called him. But his face twists into an even deeper frown when he is left without any calls or messages from the exiled Alpha.

"Does anybody know about Ryker and Jason? Are they going to our school now or not?" Alec changes the subject, his dark brown eyes glancing down at me for just a second. I give him a weak smile, silently thanking him for changing the subject.

"Oh, boy! You're going to love this." Samantha laughs, tilting forward so hear arms rest against her knees. "They're starting school tomorrow at Beacon Hills High, because I talked to Ryker about it." She laughs, which brings a small smile to my face. Jason is certainly going to be moody tomorrow.

"Seriously? They're going to go to our school after almost three months of school already?" Natalie looks shocked and she glances over to Thomas. "Loki wanted them to finish school and since they were missing out a lot because of the war, he transferred them here." My brother explains to his mate. Nat furrows her eyebrows a little, but she still nods.

"Ryker didn't seem to care, but I heard from him that Jason went out of his mind. He was yelling his lungs out in the den when he found out." Sam chuckles, shaking her head a little. I can see the way Ty rolls his eyes, mumbling 'dramatic' out.

Suddenly I hear a car pull into our driveway, making all of the muscles in by body tense. Alec picks his head up as well, his eyes glancing over to the window. I carefully listen for the garage door that rattles, when it opens. The SUV drives into the garage and the door rattles back closed. I know it's the SUV, I can recognize its sound.

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