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My head hangs against my chest. It feels too heavy to lift. I'm too tired to try and look up. The wound the hunters inflicted on me has taken a toll on me. I can barely keep my eyes open.

I don't know if it's been three or four days since they captured us. I'm losing track of time. I don't know how much time we have left to live. Is it four days? Or three?

I try and focus on the sounds in the back of the truck, hoping to hear Mackenzie. The lighting is still dim from the torches that are tiring us out, but I can barely glance up to them. I can hear her breathing. It is slow and shallow, like she'd be out of breath, but too tired to breathe. Her chain isn't rattling, which means she is standing still.

I have stopped standing a few hours ago. It's painful, but I let the chains keep me up. They dig into my wrists, reopening the wounds that have been slowly healing. My arms are drenched in blood and the sharp smell of iron is bothering my nose, but I don't have any energy left to stand. Especially, when my leg feels like it is going to fall off any second now.

I open my eyes when I hear a sound from the outside. Quiet talking. I can hear Lora's voice, which makes me grit my teeth. I will myself to stand up again, pushing all of my weight on my good leg. The chain rattles when I move and I hear Mackenzie breathe in a sharp breath. Her head snaps up at the sound of my chain rattling. She looks over to me, as I force myself to look up to the door.

The door unlocks and opens with a creaking sound, revealing the early evening outside. We are in the middle of the woods, that is completely covered by snow. The hunters are dressed in warm clothes; scarves, coats gloves, while I'm standing chained up, with only my pants on.

The cold air gushes through the open door, fanning my hot skin. It feels good to feel something else on my skin other that the heat of the hot flame, that is set right before me.

"Good evening, lovebirds. Are we ready to talk some more?" Lora chirps, which makes me grit my teeth even more. It feels like they are going to break any second now. The huntress notices the glare I send her, which makes her smirk.

By now she pulled more than enough information out of us. She knows I left the Midnight pack for Mackenzie, she knows that we're in a war between each other, she knows we don't want to work together against the hunters, she found out about the Blood moon pack being in Beacon Hills as well. What she still hasn't figured out is that Mackenzie hasn't had her shift yet and that she's a Kurenai wolf.

Lora takes out the weapon she has used on us ever since I woke up, the stun gun. I close my eyes and breathe in through my nose. I hate the smell of my own blood, it makes my stomach turn. I haven't eaten ever since they kidnapped us. They haven't given us any water or food. My stomach has stopped growling for food about a day ago.

"Now, let's see." Lora mumbles, glancing from me to Mackenzie. I glance to her from the corner of my eye. My girl is standing tall and proud, but she doesn't look any better than I do. Her skin is sticky and pale. She looks like she is going to collapse any second.

Damn it. The full moon already has an effect on her. In the best case she only has a fever right now. In the worst... I don't want to think about it, but either way, nothing is helping her before her first shift. She should be resting in bed, gathering her strength for the full moon. But if anything, the hunters are slimming her chances of surviving her first shift right now.

"Who's the Alpha of the Blood moon pack?" Lora questions, her weapon shifting from me to Mackenzie. She doesn't care who answers, as long as one of us answers. I glance to Kenzie again, pleading silently that she stays silent. My mate hangs her head down and closes her eyes, like she'd be readying herself for the zap.

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