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I wake up wrapped in unfamiliar bedsheets in an unfamiliar room, but the same sunlight shines on my face and the same scent of caramel wraps around my senses. I groggily prop myself on my elbows and glance around the room that is so different from mine back at home. It has such a darker atmosphere than what I'm used to.

When I glance to the side, I see my mate still sleeping on his side, one of his arms tucked under the pillow. He is barely covered by the sheets, his naked body a sight for me to see. A blush creeps up my neck to my face and I quickly glance away from Elliot. I'm still not used to seeing all of Elliot.

I pull the sheets up my chest more, hiding myself even though he is still sleeping.

It's early morning and if I start getting ready right now, I might make it to first period. I don't know if Elliot is going to go to school and leave his new pack unattended, but I should go. I missed too much of school already.

I slide off the bed and quickly pick up my panties and Elliot's shirt to hide myself, if he might wake up. His shirt falls down to my knees, covering me up completely.

In yesterday's rush I completely forgot to pack up some spare clothes for today, so I guess I'm going to have to drive back home to get ready for school.

I quietly open the door of Elliot's room and peak out on the hall. From what I understood of his mumbled explanation between the heated kisses yesterday, the top floor of the pack house exists only for the King family. Nobody else has access up here. So I'll be spared the embarrassment of bumping into one of his Betas or Gammas.

When I slowly crawl down the hall to try and find the bathroom, a door behind me flies open, making me jolt. When I spin on my heel I am met with the younger King sibling. Rebecca's eyes quickly find my figure and a mischievous smile appears on her face. Scratch the spared of embarrassment part.

"Oh, look who we have here." She chuckles, leaning on the doorframe of her room. Her eyes dart down to the too big shirt I'm wearing and my bare legs. "Looks like somebody had a little too much fun last night." My face burns red from her words and I turn my eyes away from her. "Shut up." I snap at her.

Rebecca laughs at my embarrassment, before she pushes off the doorframe.

"The bathroom is down the hall to the right if you want to freshen up. You can borrow some of my clothes if you didn't pack anything with you and there's a new toothbrush in the wardrobe under the sink. I'll see you at breakfast." She grins at me with this knowing look in her eyes, before she walks downstairs.

I still feel the heat of the blush on my cheeks when she heads down the stairs. I can't believe she heard us last night.

Well you weren't exactly on the quiet side, Mackenzie, my mind reminds me, which makes my blush only deepen. I shake my head to try and get myself gathered, before I walk into Rebecca's open room.

My eyes wander around the place only to find out her room resembles Elliot's a lot. Her walls are painted completely black with white lines all over them, creating different shapes in different sizes. There's a matte black wardrobe pushed up against one of the walls. In the middle there's a queen sized bed with purple curtains draped all around. Their tied to the pillars right now, but I assume she closes the curtains when she goes to bed.

Across from the wardrobe, there is a large glass door that leads to the balcony. And beside the door I just walked through, there is a desk with a laptop and a wall mirror on top. I glance at my reflection in the mirror and the blush returns all of a suddenly. The hickeys from last night haven't healed fully yet and they are littered all over my neck. No wonder she was laughing so much at me.

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