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I wake up to the sound of birds chirping outside of the window. It makes me furrow my eyebrows before I open my eyes. I have to blink a couple of times to get used to the strong light in the room.

It's a Saturday morning. And I'm alone. In Mackenzie's bed.

I sit up, looking around the room to find my mate. But her scent in the room is faint, which tells me she has left a few hours ago. A frown forms on my lips, as I swing my legs over the edge of the bed. I glance over to the clock on her wall, noticing it's almost eleven. Crap! No wonder her scent is so faint.

I get out of the bed and out of her room, heading quickly to my own room to go and change. I find my phone on my bed and I check it for any missed calls or messages. And to my surprise, I have two missed calls from Max.

Before I call him back I grab some fresh clothes and change into them. I then press onto his contact and put the phone on speaker, as I try to find my deodorant. It's in the top drawer of my nightstand.

"Oh, look. Sleeping beauty is finally awake." Max mocks when he picks up the phone call. I roll my eyes at his comment and grab my shoes that are beside the wardrobe. "Talk to me. What was so important that you called me at..." I glance down at the two missed calls and frown a little, "... seven in the morning on a Saturday."

"We need to meet up today." Max tells me, as I tie the laces on my sneakers. I raise an eyebrow at his strange request. "What for?" I question, as I look for a sweater. I wonder where Mackenzie could be. I need to find her to try and talk to her about last night.

A flush washes over me as I remember what happened in her bed last night. My wolf purrs in my head, enjoying the fact we came to a more sexual point in our mate bond.

"It's about Canada." The second those words leave Max's mouth I lunge for the phone. His words snap me out of my daydream and I put him off of the speaker and press my phone to my ear. My throat tightens and I have to swallow harshly to get the lump down my throat.

"Why?" I struggle to get out. Max is quiet on the other end for some time and it makes my chest squeeze. "Max, why the hell are you so quiet?" I growl. My nose scrunches up and I glance out of the window. I feel paranoid all of a suddenly and the walls of my room don't seem as safe as they should.

"I'll tell you when we meet up. It's important that we're quick." Max answers and I don't like the way his voice quiets down when he speaks. I glance at my phone to see the time, before I press my phone back to my ear. "Fine. I'll meet you at one at the well." I tell him with a cold tone in my voice. I can almost imagine my best friend nodding. "Good. I'll see you."

I end the call and glance down at my phone. There is this numb feeling that dances in my body and I hate it. I wish I could just shrug it off and head downstairs with my usual carefree behavior. But the urgency in Max's voice keeps me on my toes. Something is seriously wrong.

I head out of my room, running a hand through my bed hair. I didn't have the chance to comb through it this morning, but the thought disappears out of my mind the second it settles itself in it.

I go down the stairs, trying to sense anybody in the living room or kitchen. But the house is completely empty. I open the door to the kitchen, poking my head inside to see if there's anybody in there. But the kitchen is completely empty, the smell of coffee ghosting its way to my nostrils.

I frown and close the door when I turn to the living room. It's empty as well. I head through it to the garage door to check if any of the cars are missing. But the sedan and SUV are parked in the same spot I saw them at one in the morning, when me and Mackenzie came back from the well.

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