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"Jason, come on! Open up!" I knock against the door. There is silence on the other end, like the previous seven attempts. I sigh through my nose and glance to the other Quantum brother that is standing right by my side. Ryker looks just as hopeless as I do.

"Come on, Jas! We can talk about this." Ryker suggests, knocking his knuckles against the locked bathroom door. There is more silence on the other end and I almost want to bark out how rude he is being, but I don't. I understand how confused he is and how much panic is coursing through his body and mind right now.

Elliot appears on the top floor, his eyes glued down to his phone. I watch him as he lifts his gaze up just to see where me and Ryker are. He notices us standing before the bathroom on the side of the house my room is in and heads over to us. He pockets his phone, a frown forming on his face.

"I just talked to Rebecca. She said Max locked himself in the bathroom in the pack house and they can't get him out." Elliot tells us as he stops right beside me. I lift my hand up to point to the locked bathroom door that Ryker is knocking on. "Looks like they think the same." I comment, while Ry sighs in defeat.

"He doesn't want to talk to us no matter how hard we try." He tells my mate, turning to look at Elliot. My mate's hazel eyes glance over to the closed door and he tilts his head to the side, his brown locks falling over his right eye when he does that. "Maybe we're trying too hard. Let's leave him alone for now. We all know how shocking it is to find your mate." He suggests, glancing from me and Ryker. I shrug my shoulders, while Ryker sighs again.

"Maybe he needs to think through things." I suggest, which makes Elliot nod. "I remember I needed to." I add, which makes Ryker frown a little.

"But still... we're all in the same boat here. You and Elliot were from different packs, Rebecca is from the Midnight pack and so is Max. We're clearly in the same situation." Ryker grumbles as I push on his shoulder. We head away from the bathroom, giving Jason some much needed space. "Maybe there's something else that's going on." Elliot shrugs his shoulders while saying that.

"Whatever it is, let's give him some space. He needs to think through things right now. If he'll need our help, he'll talk to us." I shake my head, as we descend down the stairs. I can see Thomas and Tyler in the living room, sitting on opposite sofas. They are both on their phones, one being on a phone call, while the other is mindlessly scrolling through social media.

Thomas lifts his head up from the phone when he sees us descend down the stairs.

"Any luck with Jason?" He asks us and I just shake my head. Thomas gives a sympathetic look, before he resumes scrolling through Instagram. Elliot heads over to the armchair and sits down. He looks tired and upset. The corners of his lips tug down slightly. His hand runs through his messy hair, tugging against the knots.

"Who's he talking to?" Ryker questions, nudging his chin to Tyler. Thomas glances back up from his phone. "Sean, I think. They are talking about lacrosse, so it could literally be anybody from the team. But I assume it's Sean." Thomas answers, shrugging his shoulders a little.

I head over to where Elliot sits, making him look up from the ground. I sit down on the armrest right next to him, which makes Elliot wrap a protective arm around my torso. I lean into his touch. It is a nice feeling, but some rational part of me is screaming for me to punch him. He deserves a punch square into his face for putting us in so much danger and then keeping it from us.

"How big is this rebelling group anyways?" Thomas's forest green eyes turn to us. Elliot rests his chin against my shoulder and I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand when I feel his hot breath brush against my neck. "Big enough. There are at least twenty werewolves in there if not more. But the question is how many of them are willing to risk their lives for our plan." Elliot answers. My skin prickles when he speaks so close to my ear, but I try to ignore it.

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