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The silence is a killer. Or maybe the suspense is. I stand with the rest of the Moore family and the humans in the conference room in the pack house, waiting for one of the Alphas or the Luna to say something. Anything.

But all they do is stare blankly and process everything that we've just told them. David buried his face in his hands the second we mentioned the hunters and he hasn't lifted his gaze up to us ever since. I feel uncomfortable just standing before them and waiting for one of them to explode. By the looks of it, dad is going to be the first.

It is the afternoon already and there is still no sign of Mackenzie and Elliot. It has been more than twelve hours since their kidnapping. The rain is still pouring heavily. It's like the sky is keeping up with our moods.

Mom shakes her head silently, her eyes wide with shock. She is trying to process what we have just told her, but nothing comes out of her throat. She is just staring at us with wide eyes, her lips parting from time to time, but no sound comes out.

"So... what you're saying is that there are hunters in Beacon Hills?" Dad's voice is low. It is almost threatening. It makes the hairs on my arms stand. I glance away from him now, feeling like I'm going to crumble under his heavy stare. "Yes." Tyler answers, nodding his head. I can see him from the corner of my eye. He is completely tense and serious. "And you believe Mackenzie and Elliot were taken?" Father's steel grey eyes look up to Tyler, since he is the only one willing to answer. "I thought we made that clear already." There is bite in his voice now. Of course there is. His little sister might not be alive anymore.

Father stiffens in his seat and I'm afraid the vein on his forehead is going to pop any second. Ryker presses his lips in a thin line, watching dad become redder and redder. My brother is completely soaked from the run outside. There was no sign of them on top of the hill, but Ry did say he smelled their scent in the woods before the rain washed it away. It was faint.

"How long have all of you known this?" Dad's voice is now louder. He is on the verge of shouting at us. "We've only found out yesterday. But Elliot and Mackenzie knew before." Tyler explains, crossing his arms over his chest.

"No. That's not correct." I glance over to Natalie, noticing how she shrinks into herself when dad's cold gaze lands on her. "Me and Thomas found out two days ago. Elliot told us." Her voice is soft when she speaks. Dad narrows his eyes at her and I can hear how he grits his teeth. "How long did Elliot and Mackenzie know about the hunters?" He is talking through his teeth now. Natalie presses her lips in a thin line and glances over to Thomas for help.

"I think Mack found out the same day we did. She and Elliot... weren't on speaking terms before that. I believe that Elliot told her the same day as we found out, because they started working together to create a plan to save us all." Thomas informs the three leaders. There is silence again. My parents are processing everything that we have just told them. David seems completely out of place, his face still buried in his hands.

"So, Elliot knew." Mom's voice is quiet like she would be too shocked to speak normally. Her brown eyes look up to me, asking me if she is correct. I don't want to answer her, but my silence is an answer itself. I glance down to my shoes and let her connect the dots by herself.

David finally lifts his head up, looking at us. His eyes are glossed over and his jaw is set so tightly, I'm afraid he'll break all of his teeth. He watches us for a good minute, analyzing every single one. Then he stands up from his chair and heads over to the window. The rain is still pouring and it is hard to see the street outside.

"Elliot knew all along." His voice is firm when he speaks. David glances over his shoulder to us, waiting if we are going to confirm anything, but we all stay silent.

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