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I watch Elliot stand tall before me, his back turned to me. The Beta, Zeke, flanks his side and stays alert if the previous Alpha and Luna of the Midnight pack would attack. Or even Douglas.

The other Beta bares his fangs at my mate, glaring at him with glowing yellow eyes.

I bite the inside of my cheek as I watch Camila pull Frederick on his wobbly legs. The older male can barely stand after the battle with his son.

The atmosphere in the territory is tense. Nobody is brave enough to even breathe. We are all scared that this might not be the end of the battle. Not if the Midnight pack riots against Elliot being the Alpha. There are still plenty of werewolves, that might believe in Frederick's ways. There is still a chance of a battle.

I focus my eyes back on the Beta by the previous leaders, noticing how his dark veins suddenly bulge out of his skin. My lips form a thin line and a bitter taste washes my mouth.

And there it is. The fight.

My own power acts on its own accord. I can feel the Seishin in me course through my veins. The colors of the woods become brighter, the electric torches shining just a little bit brighter. I can almost see how Elliot tenses as he senses my Seishin. Every muscle in his body becomes hard as a rock, trying to protect itself from the pain.

My eyes catch the way Douglas's fangs grow just a little bit more. He flexes his fingers that are decorated with long claws and then I see him charge. It feels like everything is moving in slow motion. Elliot drops his head down, enduring the shower of painful needles that dance over his body. The ground beneath Douglas's shoes crunches as he moves past Camila and Frederick, heading directly for my mate.

I catch a glimpse of Camila's wide eyes, the toxic green searching through the crowd of werewolves that is filling the whole woods with Seishin.

And then my power lets go. Everything goes back to normal speed. All of the colors dull down and I can move, just as fast as Douglas.

Elliot still hangs his head, breathing deeply through the pain, as I step around him and Zeke. My mate's head snaps up when he senses me in front of him, just as Douglas swings his claws at me.


His claws cut through the thick air, but they never reach me. My hand, decorated with long and sharp claws, snaps out and I reach his throat before he could cut me. There is fast movement from the corner of my eye, but I barely realize what is happening before it's over.

Douglas stands completely still, his yellow eyes staring wide before himself. His body is frozen in place, held back not only by one wolf but three.

My hand wraps tightly around his neck, holding him in place. Beside me stand no other than the two other Seishin users in the three packs. Nova stands by my right side, her claws sinking into Douglas's left shoulder and her other hand pressed into his stomach. On my other side I can see Griselda, her right hand gripping his right arm, while her other hand is behind him.

Douglas chokes slightly and I notice how he turns his head a little to the side, to look at my grandmother. Griselda's cunning look twists into the wolfish smirk as they lock eyes. The male then turns to look at me, his lips twisting into a grimace.

"We both know how this ended once." I tell him, holding him in place with my hand. The yellow in his eyes dies out, replaced by a dull grey color.

"Please! Don't hurt him!" I hear a scream behind myself, making me glance over my shoulder to see Amelia push through the crowd of werewolves. Her eyes are filled with tears that she is holding back. "Please!" She pleads, wanting to step forward to where we hold him, but Zeke stops her.

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