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Night fell down on the snowy terrain of the River Ash pack territory. It is cold outside and I can see my own breath fog up the air before me when I breathe, but it's better to be outside. I feel like I can breathe here. I feel calmer in the cold night.

David is already on his way with Rebecca. They most likely have five more hours, six tops, till they come here and then everything will start. And I don't know the outcome of the plan. It makes me feel anxious to know I have no clue if our plan is going to fail or if we will actually survive.

The door behind me opens, making me glance over my shoulder. Zion walks out of the warm house, holding two cups in his hands. He is wearing a heavy woolen coat that wraps tightly around his large body.

I turn around and take one of the cups from his hand, so he can close the door behind himself. I thank him quietly, glancing down at the hot cocoa he brought me.

"Thought I should bring you something warm so you don't freeze out here." He states and shoots me a warm smile. The corners of my lips turn up slightly and I nod as a thank you.

Zion walks over to where I am standing, beside the fence of the porch. Snow covers the wooden surface of the fence, but I cleared a part of it just to lean against the fence. I rest the cup on the cleared part and turn to glance over at Zion.

He is watching the houses that surround their community. Their lights are on, announcing that the werewolves are inside, hiding from the cold.

"Eira grew up here. I always thought she would stay with us, even after she found her mate." Zion suddenly speaks up. My eyes focus on his profile, seeing how his eyes gloss over. He still doesn't look at me, but he also doesn't stop to consider my silence. "After she found David she dropped everything and left with him. Her sense of duty as a mate was much stronger than her sense of being the next Luna of the River Ash pack."

I press my lips in a thin line and glance over to the cup of hot cocoa. Steam is rolling into the cold night air, creating white clouds.

"She was supposed to be the Luna?" I question, finally making Zion look at me. There is a tear sliding down his cheek, but he quickly brushes it away with the sleeve of his coat. "She was our firstborn, so yes." He nods.

We stay silent for some time, just watching each other. I don't hold his gaze for long. I tear my eyes away to take a hold of the cup again.

"The River Ash pack is built differently than other packs, Elliot." I bring the cup to my lips, lifting my gaze up to Zion again. "Griselda became the Luna when she found me. Eira was supposed to be Luna when she met David. Freya became Luna when she found out Cole was her mate. We don't believe in leading the pack alone. Only when one has a mate, they can become the leader of the pack." Zion explains to me, as I take a sip of the hot cocoa. It burns my tongue and I pull away from the cup quickly, glancing down at the hot liquid with a grimace.

"I understand. A werewolf becomes much stronger when they find their mate." I still say as I put the cup back on the fence. Mackenzie's grandfather nods and gives me another small smile.

"Eira always wanted to be Luna. She was a born leader, but the second David came into the picture, she knew her place was by his side. He never told her he was an Alpha. Not until she came to his pack and realized it herself." Zion chuckles quietly, but it sounds sad. The corners of my lips lift up slightly, but the sadness in me burns. His grief is so strong and I can't imagine how awful he must feel to know he lost his daughter at such a young age.

"Mackenzie is just like her mother." He tells me and glances over to look at me. "I heard that before." I answer. Zion watches me for a few more seconds, his heavy stare making me feel uncomfortable. It is the same stare Griselda has.

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