Chapter 2

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    The minute the door shut to the bakery...

    "Shadow and Ms. Jones!! Hey guys." I wince as a squeal comes from behind the counter and the culprit throws herself on Alice and I.

    "Hello Hana. Now how many times do I need to tell you to call me Alice. And please don't forget that these old ears are very sensitive." Alice pats her on the back while laughing at the bubbly girl that is currently crushing us both in a big bear hug. Hana laughs and lets go, while apologizing for forgetting Alice's age.

    "Oops, sorry Ms. Jo - I mean Alice. I just got excited because it has been a while since you came to the bakery. I missed you." She smiles widely at the woman in front of her. Hana herself loves seeing Alice just as much as I do.

    "Hana, could you get me a white mocha and make it sweet like you always do? And Alice what do you want for coffee?" I turned over my shoulder to ask Alice as we walked to our favorite table by the corner window of the bakery.

    "I just want a hot tea if you have it. Maybe herbal or something semi sweet? You surprise me with the flavor Hana. Oh, and dear, would you get Doe and I two blueberry muffins. You guys make the best." She winked and smiled at Hana. I raised my eyebrows at her, using my nickname, but let it slide because she likes calling me that instead of my full name in front of other people. Hana brought us some napkins and waters to the table before we were even settled into the chairs.

    "Of course Alice. Coffee, tea, and two fresh muffins coming up!" She yelled from behind the counter.

    I laughed at Hana and her always bubbly personality. She was a ball of life. Always this kind soul willing to help anyone and everyone out. I met her when I started at the bakery about three years ago. She was a very simple girl. She liked to wear comfortable clothing under her apron and hardly ever wore makeup to work. Didn't really need to wear any honestly because she just had natural beauty and shine about her. She had about shoulder length brown hair with curls and ringlets abundant throughout. She had these kind brown eyes. When I met her, I was the very closed off person that did not really trust strangers. As I spent more time with her learning the ins and outs of the bakery, she drew me in with her kindness and her sweet eyes.

    She was patient with me and realized I was uncomfortable with new people and it was going to take time for me to trust her. It didn't take me long to know that I could trust her and it wasn't even two weeks later we were best friends. Alice and some other people we work with say that her and I are complete opposites. She is very bubbly, friendly, excited, and always has high energy. She loves to wear colors and I feel like she purposefully chooses colors that express her mood. She likes to wear pastels. Mainly yellows, blues and pinks.

    Now me...I like pretty much the opposite. I like to wear black, navy blue or even emerald green here and there. Although if you were to go and check out my closet right is 95% black clothing. I am pretty reserved and held together. I only really like to be around Hana and Alice. In truth, they are honestly the only friends I have here in the city. Alice gives me a hard time about it and asks about my love life and why I haven't brought a boy around yet. I just do not like being around a lot of people and I don't really trust outsiders so I just take care of the two people I do like and then I keep to myself.

    "Here you go. Hope you guys like it." Hana sets down our drinks and then sits down next to Alice in the booth. "How has everything been with you Alice? Apartment holding up okay?" She turns to Alice waiting expectingly.

    "Well it has been good so far. The winter hasn't gotten too horrible to bear yet. Everything in my apartment is holding up fine so I don't think I have too much to complain about. You girls should come over sometime and we all cook dinner together." Alice raises her eyebrow at me and then smiles as she opens up her blueberry muffin wrapping to take a bite.

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