Chapter 13

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It was now the 4th of May. The sun was shining brightly overhead, and everyone in New York City was enjoying the beautiful weather. The city was buzzing with people, not much different than normal but it was summertime. Shadow was enjoying her break from the bakery. She was spending a lot of time with Alice and Hana, enjoying the quality time she had with her adopted family members. The plan was still in place incase of an emergency. The group had finalized the plan almost over a week ago. Shadow made sure everyday that Hana remembered the plans of the escape and still had all their supplies ready to go.

Shadow decided to spend her late morning at the warehouse to practice her magic. She normally only went at night, but she just felt like she wanted to spend some time to herself. She didn't want to be seen wearing her protective gear so she put everything she needed in her duffle bag. Once everything was good to go, she grabbed her phone and her keys, walked out into the hallway and locked her apartment door. She grabbed her phone and dialed up Hana.

"Hey Doe. What's up?" Hana's cheery attitude bursted through the speaker.

"Nothing much. I'm going to my hideout spot to clear my head. Just wanted to tell you to keep your phone on you. I will call you when I leave there later." Hana chuckled at Shadow, laughing at the fact that her friend was becoming paranoid and was checking in a lot to make sure Hana wasn't forgetting to be on alert.

"Yes it is in my back pocket. My ringer is on so I will hear it. OH!! And my battery is at 96% motherrrr....." She teased.

Shadow scoffed. "Just be prepared. Traffic is bad today and you have to make sure that you guys can get out quickly if need be."

"You got it. I am at the bakery helping out the chef make more muffins. When its done, I'm packing some up and going to Alice's. You don't need to worry."

Hearing that, Shadow relaxed. At least they would both be together and Shadow wouldn't have to worry about Hana trying to drive through almost stand still traffic 6-7 blocks. Shadow hung up the phone and walked through the golden illuminated streets. Everything seemed normal but Shadows awareness was on high alert. Something was making her uneasy and she wasn't really sure what.

She passed Stark Tower, feeling this overwhelming pressure on her chest. She glanced around, thinking that maybe it was just her fear of what had happened several nights ago. Shadow was wearing her usual clothes she wore when she trained. She had on a plain black shirt with black leather like pants. She was wearing her lightweight black boots, her favorite shoes to wear when she was fighting. Once she made it to the warehouse, she glanced around the perimeter, making sure no one was there. She noticed in a brick like building ahead of the warehouse, there was a security guard.

He is such a sweet looking old man. Guess he watches this property during the day time for whatever reason.

Shadow quietly snuck around the back, hoping she would go unnoticed by the security guard. There was no one around for miles so maybe this property was an extension of some other place that the guard worked for. The warehouse was just overlooked. Once Shadow made it inside, she set down her bag and sat on the window ledge overlooking the water. She took her hair out of the bun it was in and put it into a long braid.

 She took her hair out of the bun it was in and put it into a long braid

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