Chapter 26

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    Loki was sitting peacefully in his bed, reading a book Shadow had given him. He hardly slept most nights, him not really needing it as much as humans. There was a sudden thump coming from a cross the hall, making Loki look up from his book. He didn't think anything of it and turned back to his book. Suddenly, there was a crash of glass breaking. Loki could barely hear it, but his hearing was better than others.

    He closed his book and set it aside. He slowly crept to his bedroom door and opened it to peer into the hallway. As he looked back and forth, He was only met with darkness. It seemed like no one was awake or wandering around the room. He grumbled at whoever was disturbing his peace with these games and went to head back into his room when...


    He froze. He heard Shadow's voice in his head, and it sounded like she was scared. He turned towards her door and reached for the doorknob hesitantly. He felt like he shouldn't disturb her but his heart was pulling him to get to her. He turned the knob and opened Shadow's door...reaching for her light. Once light flooded into the room, Loki saw what was going on.

    Her lamp was smashed, glass scattered all across her floor and her nightstand. Her covers were skewed across the end of the bed and the floor. He slowly crept forward turning his eyes to the beautiful woman that lay across the bed. Her white hair was disheveled and scattered across her pillows and her face was distorted in discomfort. Why was she calling to me when she was clearly asleep? Loki had thought to himself.

    "Stop...don't touch me...just kill me...." Shadow mumbled, fists clenched. Loki froze as he heard her words. His heart was pulling him to this woman, beating harshly as he watched her. She was writhing like she was pain. Loki was confused as to what was happening. He went to reach for her hand, but just as he was about to touch her, he felt the temperature of the room drop. He knew that cold feeling all to well, retreating his hand quickly away from the girl making sure he didn't burn the girls skin with his cold fingers.

    He glanced back at his hands and they looked the same. He turned to look in the girls mirror and was met with his usual pale complexion and his green/blue eyes. He glanced back at the girl and saw ice crawling, encasing her hands and moving upwards. Her fists gripped her sheets even tighter, as whimpers came from her mouth and tears started to come from her eyes.

    " can't do this....I don't deserve this....not another needle pleaseeee...." Loki felt pain in his chest as he heard these words. She is having a nightmare.

    "Shadow darling...wake up." He spoke softly sitting by her side. Shadow didn't seem to register his words, still whimpering and clenching her eyes shut. She started moving her arms around and Loki was trying to find another way to wake her up without scaring her. He hadn't noticed that in her dangerously unconscious state, she had grabbed a glass shard in her hands.

    "Shadow...please...hear my voice. You're having a nightmare. Wake up, love." Loki continued to speak softly and leaned closer, panicking, trying to see if she could hear his voice. Shadows arms jerked towards her neck and she pressed the glass piece to her throat.

    "I have no problem ending least I could finally be free from you." Shadows eerie words caught Loki's attention and he saw her start to cut her throat. He quickly grabbed her frozen hand, ripping the glass out of her hands. He frantically pulled her body up towards him and held her cold arms in his grip. He was furious that she would try to kill herself, but his anger subsided when he saw she was still in a sleep like state. He decided it was time to push his thoughts into her head.

    Shadow wake up! Can you hear me?

    Loki stared at the girl breathing heavily in his arms. His body was ignited with sparks as their skin continued to be in contact with one another's. These feelings were the best thing he had ever felt and he didn't want that to change, but he was afraid. He saw the ice start to fade and kept trying to reach inside her head as Shadow was trying to fight his hold on her.

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