Chapter 37

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    Frigga and Shadow sit and talk amongst each other on how to get Loki out of the palace cells.

    "How are we going to be able to do this if Odin has made up his mind?" Shadow was curious but also wary of what might happen. Frigga placed her hand on top of Shadow's.

    "My child. You do not need to be afraid. I think the best course of action is to talk to the King about his soulmate, you. If we can persuade my husband to see that Loki does have someone that will help him, he may change his mind."

    Shadow thought for a minute about that suggestion. It wasn't a bad idea, it just meant that she would be put in front of the stubborn King like lamb to the slaughter. She just wanted her soulmate to be free.

    "Can I ask you something Frigga?" The question had been lingering in the back of her mind for quite sometime this morning. The Queen smiled and nodded her head. "How are you....mated to the King?" Shadow felt like she might be overstepping a line asking this question, but she did it anyway.

    Frigga laughed. "Are you asking if it is true that I am his mate, or how can I stand being his mate?" Her sparkling mischievous eyes reminded Shadow of Loki so much. The smirk that played on her lips made Shadow blush.

    "Uhhh...I guess both?"

    "I am his soulmate yes. As for the second question, it is difficult sometimes to get through to him, however being his soulmate I am able to show him reason and patience when he is blinded by power, greed, or pure stupidity." Frigga smiled as she talked about Odin.

    "I just want to see him. I want the pain in my chest to stop." Shadow admitted. She felt comfortable in the presence of Frigga.

    "Is that why you hadn't taken good care of yourself?" Shadow avoided eye contact as she heard the Queen's question. "'s alright. I've been through that before." Shadow looked back up into her blue eyes.

    "You have?"

    "Yes and the fact that you are even functioning like you are now is proving that you are more powerful and stronger than you realize."

    Shadow scrunched up her eyebrows, confused. "Wait...what do you mean by that."

    Frigga put her hands on Shadow's shoulders, "Listen, the time will come where you will need to trust yourself. Trust your powers and your strength to be able to become who you really are. I can sense your magical presence and it is incredibly strong. Don't ever stop believing in yourself and don't ever forget of the people who love you. Love is the most powerful part of magic. Channel that when the time is right, and you will be forever in control."

    Shadow started processing Frigga's words just as loud footsteps started coming closer. Thor appeared, turning the corner, breathing harshly. Frigga stood and walked towards him.

    "Pardon me my ladies but I need to speak with you mother."

    "It is Jane, isn't it?"

    Thor nodded. "Heimdall couldn't see her, but she was found again this morning. I..."

    "Yes. Go to her. I can take care of things here. Tell Heimdall to let me know when you get back."

    Thor smiled gratefully to his mother and gave her a kiss on the forehead. He swung his hammer and flew up into the sky, heading back towards the Bifrost.

    "You know, I hadn't thought of asking about flying around to see the city." Shadow laughed absentmindedly.

    Frigga raised and eyebrow at her soon to be daughter in law. "You can fly?"

The Ancient Sorceress ~Loki x Bucky AU~Where stories live. Discover now