Chapter 42

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    "Shadow...Shadow helloooo?"

    A voice was muffled and traveling through a tunnel of almost complete silence. Shadow decided she should pay attention to what was going on. She blinked a few times, her vision coming back into focus. Clint stood in front of the girl, waving his hand in front of her face.

    "Oh...there you are. We made it to the tower. Come on." Clint spoke softly.

    Shadow took his outstretched hand and followed beside Clint into the tower. Nothing looked different, but she did miss seeing everyone while she was gone. As they entered the main living area, Shadow noticed everyone was waiting for her. It was only noon in the U.S. so everyone was still up. Every pair of eyes from the team were shocked and happy to see their bloodied teammate.

    They watched as she slowly walked into the room, her armor was damaged and her appearance was disheveled. Shadow noticed that Tony and Steve looked slightly angry at her.

    "Young lady...I cannot believe that you disappeared in the middle of the night and went to Asgard. We thought something had happened to you." Tony scolded.

    Shadow listened to his concern with a straight face. "I told Jarvis to tell you where I was going."

    "He told me...but that still doesn't excuse you for just disappearing."

    Shadow nodded at Tony's words. "I'm sorry. Thor needed my help."

    Steve looked confused. "How did you know that Thor needed you?"

    "His mother told me." This information peaked everyone's interest.

    "How are you able to communicate with his mother?" Bruce questioned.

    "Frigga is...was a powerful witch. She was a telepath like myself and she started communicating with me for about a week or so before I left. She could communicate through realms."

    Several of the team picked up on the changed language. Steve figured he should be the one to ask, hoping that he could get an answer.

    "What happened while you were there?"

    Shadow froze. She knew they would want to ask, but she didn't think she could tell them. Maybe she could show them like she showed Loki...but she didn't know if she was ready. "I would prefer not to talk about it right now. All you need to know is that Thor and I eliminated the threat in London. Thor will be off world for a little bit."

    Shadow felt uncomfortable. She didn't want to talk about the pain she was feeling. She wanted to get out of her armor. She started fidgeting in her spot, folding her arms across her stomach.

    "Your armor is pretty beat up. Must have been a heck of a battle. Glad you're home kid. We missed you." Tony stated his face now calm. "Wait...what is that on your shoulder?"

    Shadow looked in both directions, trying to see what Tony was pointing out. "I don't see anything. Why?"

    Steve stepped closer, narrowing his eyes at her left side. "Is that another...soul mark?"

    Shadow gasped and quickly covered her soul mark with her hand. She silently cursed herself for not being more careful. She was terrified about the team knowing of her second mark...terrified of ever meeting another mate. Nat moved closer to Shadow in an attempt to comfort her. Shadow winced and stepped away from her friend.

    " don't have to hide these things from us. There is nothing wrong with you having two mates." Clint tried to reassure.

    Shadow shook her head, " were never supposed to know."

The Ancient Sorceress ~Loki x Bucky AU~Where stories live. Discover now