Chapter 74

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    It had been days since the team had arrived home. Shadow holed herself in her room the majority of the time, trying to find Bucky and figure out where he was. It was frustrating her that she could communicate with Thor so easily and yet she was struggling to mind link with her own soulmate. Shadow had taken lots of notes. She snuck around the Compound finding empty journals and pieces of paper where she could write down anything that happened each time she tried to find him. Paper and pencils with weird sketches littered the floor of her room.

    Loki wasn't allowed in there. He had been sleeping in an extra room because Shadow would be up at all hours of the night working on this and she ordered that everyone stay out of her way. It was crushing him. Even Vision couldn't go in to see her because the stone forced him to follow her orders. Shadow was exhausted. She had dark bags underneath her eyes, her body was becoming frail due to her lack of eating and she would go days without showering.

    Everyone was worried, but they had to focus on trying to find Bucky before she snapped. Steve called a meeting once they tracked down when Rumlow and his goons were going to be in Lagos.

    Steve, Loki, Wanda, Vision, Nat, Clint, Sam, and Pietro all sat around their conference table, looking over the maps that floated in front of their faces.

    "From our sources and intel, they plan to strike that facility this weekend." Steve voiced, pacing around the room. "I have decided on who I need to go on this mission. I want Natasha, Sam, Pietro and Wanda to join me on this."

    Wanda seemed nervous hearing her name. She was still worried about what could happen.

    "What about Shadow?" Sam questioned. "Any progress?"

    Loki looked solemn. He seemed like he hadn't been getting any sleep either. He needed his mate, but he couldn't force her to open up to him. "She continues to try to reach him. She's been more on edge since she communicated with the stone. I would really like to go see my brother to know if he has found anything that could help."

    Natasha gave him a small smile, "Whatever you need to do, we support you."

    "Who will watch over her? I've been putting this trip off because I am terrified it will break her if I'm gone." The team could hear his vulnerability. They had all gotten so much closer so Loki had no problem with being more of himself.

    "Don't worry. She's family. We will do what we can while you search for answers." Steve piped up.

    "Besides," Vision interjected. "The stone and myself will keep tabs on her."

    Loki sighed, hanging his head as he had come up with his decision. "I'll need to tell her at least. If something bad happens, just call out to Heimdall and I'll come back immediately."

    Everyone nodded and cleared out of the room. Steve gathered his team and started preparing their gear for their mission. Vision rushed to catch up with Loki.

    "I would like to accompany you when you inform her highness, if that is alright?" Vision spoke softly as they neared Shadow's bedroom door. Loki eyed him curiously, wondering if it would be a good idea.

    "I guess. I would still like to know why you must call her that." He froze at her door preparing himself to enter.

    Vision only shrugged. "I have a feeling we will find out eventually."

    Loki let out a breath and twisted the knob, careful to open the door slowly as to not startle his mate. They could hear a slight whimper come from the dark room. Loki panicked and flipped on the lights. Piles and piles of paper were askew across the floor. Shadow lay amongst them, her face contorted in discomfort. Loki rushed to her side all but ignoring the random floating objects around the room.

The Ancient Sorceress ~Loki x Bucky AU~Where stories live. Discover now