Chapter 5

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    What is that annoying beeping sound?

    I could hear the steady beeping playing around my head, I just could not pinpoint where it was coming from. All I could see was darkness. I felt heavy. Like weights were laying across my chest, legs, and arms. I could feel myself breathing so I knew I wasn't dead. I suddenly started hearing noises. Muffled sounds coming from one side of my head to the other. It sounded like voices, but I couldn't tell what they were saying. My vision was complete darkness. My head honestly felt like I had a hangover but I knew I hadn't been drinking.

    Where am I? What did I do yesterday?

    I could remember that it was winter. I knew I had been in the cold. Probably searching for food and water like I always was.

    Maybe I was hit over the head when I was trying to take some food from someone?

    I didn't like stealing, but sometimes I had to do it to survive. I kept trying to replay what I had done yesterday but everything was still hazy. I could feel myself coming to and seeing a bright white light start to make its ways into my vision. I felt nauseous and lightheaded, and my distorted vision was making it all worse. I groaned and tried to turn my head to the side to block out the light but I couldn't move. I flinched, trying to reach up to my head to smack myself for feeling this way but...

    My body...nothing is moving!

    I started to turn my eyes...anywhere I could possibly see. The beeping noises were getting louder, and the muffled voices were getting clearer. I could see white coats and I could see the room was a bright white room.

    Am I at the doctors?

    I glanced around me some more. I could see my arms sticking out, away from my sides with straps holding them down. My eyes widened in fear. I kept glancing around the room, trying to see who was in there with me. My nerves were buzzing through my body. I was preparing myself for the worst. I could see an IV stuck into my left arm, hooked up to some liquid that I was hoping was just fluids. There were some white coats standing around some computers and a bag of dark red blood.

    Is that my blood!?

    As the heart monitor starts to pick up pace, along with the fear evident in my reactions, some doctors started taking notice that I was awake. I heard a heavy door open behind me and footsteps make their way around the table I was lying on to where I could see their face.

    " going on?" My voice, hoarse and scratchy from not being used. Alexander smiled, evilly, at my question. He looked around and started picking up clipboards which looked full of papers, possibly information or charts.

    "I am glad you asked Shadow. You see, I run a little organization here and we do help out homeless people and give them...a better life." He paused giving me a moment to speak up again.

    "A better life? Then why am I tied up on this table? I didn't ask for this. I don't get why you are doing this to me." I was getting braver by the second. I wanted to get out of this situation. I wanted to find anything in this room the could help me escape. I glanced swiftly around the room trying to locate anything I could use my gifts on. Surely they wouldn't know anything about me so I could catch them off guard. Alexander started laughing...a laugh that sent shivers down my spine and made me dart my eyes back to him. I froze when I saw what was in his hand.

    "What? Would you like some water to quench your thirst? Or are you going to try to use your powers to catch us unexpected?" He held the glass towards my face, taunting me. I couldn't believe it. How had he figured it out. I didn't do anything in my room. I didn't tell him. HOW.

The Ancient Sorceress ~Loki x Bucky AU~Where stories live. Discover now