Chapter 4

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    Early 2002...winter was upon New York, like a heavy blanket covering a young child to coax to sleep. I was shivering under what little clothing I had on my body. Torn rags and old blankets I had found, stolen, or taken off a sleeping...or dead body. In between the two buildings, I sat in the alleyway, trying to shield myself as much as I could from the crisp air blowing the snow all around me.
    I was getting desperate. It had been almost 3 days of me not having any food, and my body was paying for it. My ribs were poking out, my cheekbones protruding through my skin, and my lips were cracked and dry. I was trying to wait out the falling snow so that I could muster up enough strength to find me some food. I knew there were several restaurants around and shops that threw out scraps. I just needed some water to hydrate before trying to move my frozen, stiff body.

    I looked around slowly...peeking up behind my wet eyelashes. No one was around to see me or what I was about to do. I raised up my hand toward the snow falling around my face. I started pulling the snowflakes left and right, creating a whole abundance of them to rush towards me. Like ribbons, dancing to some melody, the frosty liquid moved fluidly around my wrist and into my palm...creating a ball of cold water. I held the waters shape and waved my left hand to bring even smaller ribbons of water to my mouth, cherishing the taste of fresh water and hydration I hadn't had in a few days.

    I was enjoying myself, playing with the water and the snow, missing the feeling of using my gift. I had been trying to survive in the streets of New York for a while, and I never used my gifts unless I needed to. I did not want to be seen. I did not want to be killed like people from Salem had been persecuted. I knew I was some sort of witch. I knew I was similar to them, but yet different. I have never known who I actually was...just that my parents from Salem had found me one night on the doorstep of their cottage.

    Lost in thought, I never noticed the figure hiding in the shadows of the alleyway. So far into the corner and covered with darkness, the figure would've never been noticed. But that was the point. I had decided I was going to check the nearest pizza shop for extra scraps to eat. I pushed myself up the wall and groaned as the ache in my bones and my body grew more apparent to me by the second, after being numb from sitting in the cold for so long. I shuffled to the back entrance of the shop, not far from where I had been hiding out. I could smell the pizza from miles away and all I wanted was just a slice.
    I waited for what seemed like forever, when one of the delivery boys takes several boxes and tosses them onto the top of the pile in the dumpster. The minute the door shut behind him, I rushed to pizza boxes. Rushing to open each and every one to devour any type of crumb I could find. In one of the last boxes, there were two slightly eaten pieces of cheese pizza left. I didn't care who or what saw me in the moment, but I ripped into those pieces like they were candy. As I was enjoying my pizza, a rough hand gripped my wrist.

    "Why would a young lady like you be trying to score scraps in the middle of a cold, winters night?" The mans voice was soft, yet rough around the edges. The man startled me when he grabbed me, but I just stood frozen in front of him. I was ashamed someone had to see me like this, but I took the box of pizza and pulled it closer to my chest. I wasn't losing my only meal.

    "I'm hungry and I don't have money. Now please leave me alone." I turned to walk away but the man stepped back in front of me, now leaving my back facing the dumpster and him blocking my main escape. He held his hands up in surrender and offered me a small smile. His face now visible to me in the low street lighting, held wrinkles and made him look well over 30 but not older than 50.
    "Look I mean no harm. I actually know of a shelter that could take you in for free. They have beds and give warm meals and showers. Everything you would need to stay out of the cold. They could even help you find a job." He looked at me hoping that I would believe him. Honestly, I had no idea whether to trust him or not...but food and a warm bed. I hadn't had some sense of security in years. I hesitantly looked back at the man. I carefully looked him over to study him more.
    He looked of expensive taste. He didn't seem like some homeless guy trying to steal my meal. His suit looked of high end fabric, and the scarf around his neck looked warm. His sandy brown hair looked well kept compared to my long, ratty, dirty silver hair. I put the box back in the dumpster and turned to the man.

The Ancient Sorceress ~Loki x Bucky AU~Where stories live. Discover now